"Look at the savage beast," Bear mumbled. He was standing on a branch looking down at one thing. This one thing was, Spike. The dog who caused all the trouble in his life, the one who ruined his childhood. The ONE who took away from him everything he cared about, plus Spike didn't even feel quilty. Bear looked away in disgust, reliving these most horific moments all over again in his mind. This was a nightmare, and sadly he dreamt about it quite often. ***** It was late one night, when he was just a mere kitty. Sleeping alongside his parents. It was a peaceful night out in the wild, nothing lurking around, and bright night sky with billions of shining stars. He couldn't go to sleep that night, because tommorow his parents were finally going to take him hunting with them, catch his first bird. That's when it happened. A loud rustling in the bushes woke the cats up. A rather large pitbull puppy came running from out. Chaseing the cats around the woods. Instinctivley, his parents took him up and tree and set him on tall branch. He looked around watching the commotion, scared to death. The parents jumped down and landed on the dog. scratching at his face. But the dog retaliated and threw them off. He had them corned against a tree. Bear couldn't stand to look, he turned away and closed his eyes. When the commotion setteled, what a terrible sight it was. Too much so for him to handle. The dog had killed both of his parent's, mutilated them. Along with all of the other cats living in the woods. He ran away, far away. Keeping only one thing from the massacre, a collar that had SPIKE engraved on it. ***** Bear only wanted one thing, revenge. Wether it was death, it just severe injury, he wanted to see that dog in pain, to pay for what he did to his parents.
Feedback and critisism would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. Sorry about any spelling mistakes, I typed this in notepad. Feel free to correct me if needed.