Look at this weird picture I made just using my computer's paint program: [url=http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/1871/lolwu.png]
Ok,forget the link up there ^I'll just put it the picture right here:
ok why that
Seeing how there're tons of ''ost your art'' threads around here; thread spam?In any case, it reminds me of cubism...
Dude, suspicious about this. Is this spam?Anyway, random art with nothing really in it, this is crud.
I pretty sure this section of the forums is for your own work not someone elses.Or if this is your work well,it sucks
That's a LOL all right
Pointless? Maybe. But if you look in the Art, Music and Writing - The sticky Cenere says
Pictures should have the maximum width of 660 pixels. If the original is larger, please use a thumbnail and link to the large one.
Forum displays up to 670 pixels width before a scrollbar appears.
Should be smaller, and it is.... peculiar.
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