I use a free 3d program called blender. I didnt relise this thread was still living until now so I have another pic I did about a week ago, I was going to use this one for an animation. heres the model without any lighting done to it:
heres the image with some cool dark lighting done: Unfortunately I had to give up on the animation because I foolishly forgot to pack my textures and lost them all :[
For those of you interested in learning blender here is a forum that helped me a lot when I was a beginner: [url=http://nystic.com/] You can post questions about how to use it, ask about finding some tutorials and things like that. You will also need to download the program at http://www.blender.org/
im a huge stars wars fan, dont tell lucas, hell send speilberg, did u see what they did to indy?? have you ever tried 3d animation? i mean not just pictures, but moving pictures.