Amidst the chaos of what would go down in Imperial history as the Great Rain, The Emperor and his heir flees to one of the few colonies untouched by the rain. Gasping, he and his escort arrive at the town. The people, seeing his worry and fear and tiredness, swarm around the Emperor to ask what's going on.
Emperor Danwar wheezes, catches his breath,and says to them this:
"People of this colony, The sky has fallen. Our once-great capital city... Has been melted by a treacherous evil. It has destroyed our towns, killed our people, and destroyed everything we have held dear...
However, we are not..."
The Emperor bends down in pain as a sudden jolt hits him, an omen: This beast wants control of the whole Empire, and must not go unpunished.However, he steadies his resolve and gets back up miraculously to continue his speech.
"We are not defeated yet. I and my son will lead you to victory against this new threat: But it is not just a battle fought by armies. Instead, it is also a battle fought by minds, technology, and strength! You will defeat this evil and restore the Empire to it's glory!
The Emperor suddenly drops down again, and says one last sentence.
"Do not bury me until you retake the capital, and when you do, bury me there."
The Emperor falls down, facedown, and dies.
The people gasp at this,and the Emperor's sun drops down and cries over his dead father.
However, he stiffens his resolve and steps in and delivers his own speech.
" My father was a great man, and he speaks the truth. They have not wiped us out yet. Do you know of all the defeats we had to go through to create the glorious empire we just so recently lost? We were defeated many times, and yet we came back stronger each time. Do you not know of the great feats we have achieved? We have expanded and grown to be massive and prosperous! Do you not know of the victories we have won? We eventually beat back everything sent against us! Do you think this incident will stop us? NO! Do you think this will end our Empire? NO! Do you think we will surrender to this new threat? NEVER! We will defeat this like we have before! We will recover and come back stronger! We will make sure this never happens again, once and for all! Are you with me???
The people cheered.
The old Emperor's son was appointed Emperor himself and turned out to be nearly as good as his father, despite his young age. He was Emperor Danwar II. He rebuilt the city into a greater city than it ever had been before, and then...
Then he planned.
Planned for revenge.
The Emperor marched an army toward the ruins of the old capital, Danwarium. There were many dark figures in the city, armed and armoured similarly to the Empire's old army They were shades of the dead soldiers, wandering around, drawn to fight for the enemy of the very empire they once served by wicked dark magic. The army forms a spearhead formation when they see the enemy form a rough line. The spearhead charges through, decimating the enemy troops with more advanced weapons and a valor only demonstrated by men retaking their homes from literal monstrosities. The raven atop the old castle spire simply cast a dark spell and rained the horrid rain upon the troops. The Emperor had planned for this, though: He held the gem his father once used up into the air, and suddenly the troops had large, rectangular shields on their arms. They formed a box with thier shields, trying not to let there be any open space between shields. They marched up to the avatar of evil, and it replied by sending multiple bolts of darkness, but they are reflected by the shields. Then, suddenly, when the army drew close, the Emperor broke off and rode atop his horse forward. The raven
readied an attack, but it was too late: The Emperor grabbed it by the throat and put a sword to it. He said this:
"You thought you could control the Empire. You thought you could crush it beneath your wings. You were a fool. You simply tried to devastate our homeland, and you will pay the price with what else then death? This is for the people you killed, the damage you've done, and Father. This is for Father."
He took the gem, rose it up high, and his sword glew a faint light. He stabbed the raven three times, and it fell to the ground.
Ten years later, The Emperor rode through the city of Danwarium atop his old horse, and he smiled as the reconstruction efforts were going very nicely. Ever since he liberated the Empire from evil, he had set 3/4 of the national budget to rebuilding, and he was not regretting it. The Imperial City was growing and prospering once more.
The Empire had won!
My Empire!