This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
the hill gets *unsupposedly* scared upon seeing how many times i blew stuff up here, and drifts to me just so that i won't press that red button once more
and then i betray it! jk, it will be my hill, not my crater
but then u step on a trapdoor and fall into a pseudo-oblivion which then redirects u to the exact middle of armoria - a place which is considerably afar from my hill!
i was on the hill, which means u took me in the ufo! what a good time to hit that red button
*engines stop working and the ufo falls back to the earth* ooc: i figured out how to write huge text that doesn't interfere with normal text! YAY!