Yes, another pokemon contest. I know exactly what you are thinking/going to say...
But yes, another one. Pokemon is so epic, it deserves three contest devoted to it. At least I think so. :P
I have actually been debating with myself for a few days thinking of wether or not to do this. Because I don't know if it will get a negative response or not. But I decided against it anyways. So here it is.
Basically all you have to do is draw what you think would be an evolution of the pokemon chosen. I will say, the pokemon you choose, can have evolutions. It doesn't really matter.
1. You can use any image editor you have, for example: GIMP, or MS Paint. 2. The pokemon must include a drawing, and a pokedex entry. If you don't know what that is. Then you probably don't know what pokemon is. But, it includes, it's Type, and a brief description of the pokemon. 3. The pokemon chosen can have evolutions, or be in the middle of an evolution chain. It doesn't matter. Just draw what you think the evolution should've been. 4. That's about it.
So without further ado.
Plusle will be your first pokemon. If this gies well we shall continue. If it doesn't Then well it will die off.
Picture drawn by Ken Sugimori
The deadline will be one week from now. Which is...
July 21st
*Notes* -Remeber, Drawing and PokeDex entry. -This contest will be judged mostly on the creativity of the Pokedex entry and the pokemon, not necesarily the skill of your drawing, but will play in some. -Once school starts up for me, I will need someone else to judge, because you know, I will be in school. I won't be around the computer much.
that is very funny since I was pondering about starting the project myself...I got the idea for a terrific evolution I imagined for terrible pokemon, girafarig! (terrible looking I mean of course, girafarig is quite an usefull baton passer) Oh, and I'm reserving that judge post, I think I have some talent so it'd be great if I could be judge of an art contest ^^.
Oh, yes, of course I meant after school has started for you ^^. Choose whoever you see fit, I'm just proposing know, volunteering. I'll see if my college's library's still open so I can use its scanner. If I can I'll be sure to submit something.
Oh, yes, of course I meant after school has started for you ^^. Choose whoever you see fit, I'm just proposing know, volunteering.
I'll see if my college's library's still open so I can use its scanner. If I can I'll be sure to submit something.
Lucky. Man if I had a scanner, I would probably be in lotsa more contests. I can't draw too good on paper. But is definetly very better than what I can (or can't, haha) do with a mouse.
Haha, that skeleton again^^. Well, it certainly might prove to be interesting, mine'll be called...Elecation...and no, it won't a democratic pokemon...
Erm, slayguy. That isn't a picture. That's a link to an app on a website that let's you draw things. Perhaps if you do draw it again, take a screenshot of it and upload it to ImageShack or something.