Well, i was just going through a few pieces of my work done in photoshop from 2-4 years ago, and instead of posting them all in different topics, i will post them here to cause less spam.
I will link images directly with smaller ones, but i WILL just leave a link for some images, as one image will cause problems loading. So just highlight and copy, then paste away in to your browser bar.
Thanks for checking this topic out
Dark Desire
Deadly Vegas (Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Wallpaper): http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/329/4/f/Deadly_Vegas_Wallpaper_by_ExplorationMedia.png
Sorry for the links, a lot of my work is large, i would much rather add a title to each link and you choose the ones which appeal to you, instead of causing problems with your computer and internet loading all these images at once.
I think your stuff looks good, mate. I don't have expertise in graphics of any kind, though, but you must've spent a considerable amount of time doing these. (I really like the first picture you posted with the purple eye and the butterflies.)
Very cool work! I really like what you've created and there seems to be a great variety of techniques used as well, which I think really showcases your talent well. Too bad for you that posted it though, because now I know who to harass when I want a forum signature or a graphic made :P
@ All Replies Thanks for replying and commenting <3 x
So how long have you been working on Photoshop? At least 4 years, from what I figure you've said.
I've done designing since i was around 12, this stuff starts when i was 14 which is when i first started getting paid to design commercially as a business. (non-registered, as in Cyprus you can get away with that sort of stuff)
do you work commercial
I used to as commented above, but moved away from it as there is so much variety to designing commercially, alone i only had so much potential, being young not many people are willing to accept me, as of right now i have my own Bar & restaurant.
So why did you only put a trade mark in the one picture?
The copyrighted goods are ones created for companies, myself to use commercially. Other items without watermarks are pure experimental design work. No commercial purpose to them, apart from my oriental flower, which does include a watermark just very tiny and faded out .