this is amazing!!! i love the plot twists. by any chance have you read any Anthony Horowitz or Tom Clancy books because to me, it looks like you are using their craft in your writing and it is really good
Bwahahahahaha! Yes! I'll post the third chapter now :P
And refrain from double posting.
Refrain from getting on my nerves xP
Alright, here's the third chapter:
Chapter 3
Gang War
Lil D reached over and turned down the volume on the CD player. "Yo bro, did I tell you about the guys I saw loading a bunch of nice ATV's into some trucks yesterday?"
"Say what Dawg?" J.Z. responded.
"Let's rip em off bro, I know where they keep all their stuff," said L'il D excitedly.
"Letâs go get our homies, and take em down," said J.Z. as he turned the volume back up.
J.Z. and Lil D were members of X-13, one of the most violent gangs in America. They were preparing to rob the robbers. Little did they know, that the people they were going after were heavily armed, well trained, ruthless criminals. This was not going to be a simple rip off, it would be a war.
"Boom, Boom, Thumpa, Boom, Boom!" The loud reverberation of hip hop music carried through the floor and walls of the warehouse. Billy looked out the warehouse window and saw cars unloading with heavily armed gang members.
"Hey Boss, we got trouble outside!" Billy shouted to Sarah and the rest of the gang. They all grabbed weapons and took up defensive positions. "Crash!!" The roll up door dented in, as a car smashed into it. "Smash!!" A few seconds later the door fell to the warehouse floor and X-13 members ran into the warehouse.
"The stuff is in these trucks!" L'il D yelled pointing to the van-trucks parked inside the warehouse. J.Z. started cutting the locks off the roll up doors, with large bolt cutters.
Sarah held her finger to her lips, "Shhh, not yet," She whispered. "Let them take our equipment. The police will think that they did the bank robberies."
Billy couldnât see Sarah and jumped out. He shouted, "Hey, get out of here!" and fired a volley from his machine gun. Two gang members fell to the ground dead. The warehouse erupted with gunfire from everywhere. Sarah jumped into one of the trucks and backed up to Billy. He jumped into the back, still firing his gun out the door. Sarah gunned the engine and smashed through the low riders that blocked their exit. One of the cars exploded in flames. Two gang members ran away engulfed in flames and fell screaming in agony. X-13 was outgunned for the first time in their short history; it was a one sided massacre.
"What's that? Explosions? Gun fire?" the police dispatcher asked over the phone. The desk sergeant's ears perked up, as he listened intently. He turned away from the dispatcher and shouted to the officers on duty. "We got a case of dawgs killing dawgs." They all thought it was a gang war between rival gangs, not a total massacre.
None of the officers wanted to get in the middle of a gang war, so they called out a police helicopter and the S.W.A.T. team.
Sarah's gang grabbed their dead and wounded. They cleared out in a hurry, just before the police converged on the battle scene. The first officers on the scene could not believe the carnage. Soon they discovered the ATV's with sewer debris on their tires. By morning it was all over the news. The X-13 gang was now responsible for the bank robberies. Gang task force officials were confident that they would soon recover the money taken in the robberies.
George Anderson was one of the first investigators on the crime scene. Bodies were still being bagged when he arrived. "There is no way X-13 could have pulled off those robberies," he thought to himself. "They are not nearly that organized."
George picked up some of the bullet casings from across the warehouse and noticed some blood puddles, not accompanied by bodies. The cartridges were from a 30 caliber automatic rifle, the same kind used in the bank robberies. "We need to bring in a CSI team," George called in to his office.