Hello! I'm manny6574 and I've been on this forum quite some time so you should have seen me.
Anyway the thing is I've started to become intrested in Car Photoshopping AGAIN! Well, I'm still learning but I'd like to show some of my stuff here and get advice or give advice!
Anyway my first Photoshopped Car in this time round:
I like the putting of the uhh, what do you call it. Grill like print on the things below the Headlights. Also you did a pretty good job of taking the glare off of the turning signals, although I don't think that was really needed. Also, the Stripe on the side is a nice touch.
Haha, I didn't even notice until just then You removed the antenna. The grill-like print on the side of the car is nice, But I noticed on the very right of it it looks like it is slanted just a bit, making it look like it juts out. But That's just a minor detail. And the spoiler thing was ok. I don't think the grill-like print was needed there.
Your best work was the tires. Out of the whole car, I don't know, it just seems like the most realistic part to me, and it was done very well with the red ring.
Well, so far...it cannot be commented on. The little work you've done in the manipulation goes unnoticed. The Side skirt is quite frankly horrid, i mean that in the nicest way possible. It looks like my 10 year old sister super glued it on.
The vinyl, it's not got much going for it, and the tires although nice still need more time put in to them as from what i'm looking at, someone colored the inner tire and went in and outside the lines.
Nothing personal, but you wanted advice so i gave you criticism. I personal advise the read up of tutorials, and to take a look around at other manipulations, and when you manipulate a photo, focus on one area at a time, then create one Large Piece.
I like your comment Uproar, except when you critisize make it a bit more constructive
The vinyl wasn't meant to be a good design, just realistic(was it?). The Carbon Fibre Side Skirt, I knew that was a BIG FAIL!! But I found a better technique so that'll improve. As for rims, I now consider them a waste of time cos I did a rim change from a photo and it looks way better.
As for this:
when you manipulate a photo, focus on one area at a time, then create one Large Piece.
True but remember this is my first piece I just want to try out all the different things.
Here's an updated version:
Uproar can you be as critisicive about the rims as possible, I want to see if you notice something.
Have trust in me, if there was something to be constructive about i would be, but i leave the constructive comments for final pieces as they are improvements for the next piece. I've been giving CnC for the past 6 years, on top design forums, i know what i am doing with my comments.
True but remember this is my first piece I just want to try out all the different things.
The comment i gave was as helpful and as constructive as i can be in this stage of the design. So far if i was to give any further CnC your going to argue against it. Accept peoples opinions and take them or leave them.
Yes, the rims are easy to give reference too, whether you tidied up the red or not, that's beside the point but you placed rims on top of rims, which also cover the red areas, not too much to the point you have a red outline between the Rims & the tires.
OK, Uproar, you didn't notice the front rim thingie! YES!! Means it's more realistic than I thought. And to notice zoom in on the front rim and look inside. Look at the brake as well. Do you see the low quality now?!
Oh.. and the rim I put in had a red outline on it, the red outline you see is part of the rim image not whats under it. Whats under it is entirely invisible.