I like it, there are going to be additions to it right? The illustration has a very children's book feel about it, which fits with the story. My only suggestion would not to place colors of the shame shade next to each other on the flower.
You have the wind blowing you back and stoof. Imagine if you carried a flower on your head as big as you and you try to run.
Yes...that might be annoying...
and so with teh comment above mine.. this thread begins to deviate from its original purpose -.-
It had an original purpose?
Also, is it hard being color blind?
At times it can get annoying, but overall - not really...
hahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahha cool
Now, if you were wondering about the title and why it was 'A thread fit for two,' it is because I just decided to put the other small project I have been drawing here too...it is a simple comic...which began from Hectichermit's Picture Play thread...
I will first post the computer generated images and then it will progress to paper...
This is Jim
See...in Picture Play there was some storyline about a boat...and then the characters ended up in some other place with acid...
(Other characters property of their creators...)
Then he found he had some kind of powers...
And then the fun begins...
The people end up on some island somewhere, and then the thread died...so I kept drawing Jim...
It became pencil...
More will come in the days to come...because I have to scan etc...I actually drew heaps back when I had exams!