There are so many things you can do in Xat. Talk. Trash. You can even talk trash. Then you can draw!In two hours, our chat room team made...this!Well it's my first xat drawing that I've made so I'm thoroughly impressed
I have several creations Graham, MoonFairy, Possum and I made just a while ago.That was supposed to be Graham as his "alter ego", but I messed it up. StepOnABaby also contributed to this I think.Self-explanatory. Graham said I'm dumb in the picture.Fairly accurate representation of myself.Same image, awesome-fied. I actually love this image. I really really do.That's it I guess. For now.
Nice drawings.I like Grahams alter ego.I logged out just before you started. I missed something great.
Heh, I like it alot, especially Grahams.
Knight and KFK were observing at least parts of the creation of this...Pre-glow:Post-glow:
I don't remember the black background.Doodle must of booted me. Nice dragon by the way. I like the "glow".
I watched everything until you started with the "glow".Nice dragon, and I also like the "glow".
Due to the insistence of Vinster...This was supposed to be a representation of Graham's alter ego, but I don't know what happened. I made this.I drew up something random, Kirby998 added the Kirby.
Bah, on the 'knight drew something random' I wrote No soup for you, woohoo!, and did some random lines around 'No'.
Do I have to mention who writes those words?
Everyone loves fruit. especially when its poorly animated! YUM!
Whenever I am in the middle of doodling something respectable, someone screws it up or deletes it.
usually the only thing I ever draw is sometihng inappropriate, and people always dlete it before i finish. But it is very funny :PI love xat!
I payed zero attention to who drew the things I didn't draw, and don't feel a need to point out what I did draw.
Who seriously even thinks up ideas of frogs smoking cigars?
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