ForumsGame WalkthroughsEpic War 4 questions/tips

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26 posts

so anyway, might as well have a topic available for playing this game. just started and already got beat down at stage 5. The upgrade choices feels a bit overwhelming, so here's two questions I hope someone can answer:

First: what is the best upgrade path to take when starting out? Is there an order of upgrades I should try that'll give me a sizable army or useful spells? yes I know there's guides out there that cover the challenge dungeons, playing epic stages, etc. I could care less about that now, I'm still trying to get past stage 6.

Second: is it even possible to finish stages on normal without repeating one? I feel like you'll have to grind previous stages for more money to get upgrades that'll let you continue. That's one thing I liked about epic war 3, I could beat it start to finish in one sitting. no replaying stages and I still got lots of money.

so um, thanks in advance to your answers!

  • 67 Replies
36 posts

i think gobblins are useful and the minotaurs, der Bomberman (fat big man with gun) ist useful, upgrade your mana, and meteor they are very usefull

i stucked at stage 13 (XIII)
the black gobblin defeat all my troops with a hit.... what can i do

20 posts

Epic War 4 is a lot about grinding, at least on later level or higher difficulty.

On normal without grinding you will need to quickly buy 3 heroes, then get more troops.
The best troops in my opinion are :

-succubus, they throw up any enemies at a distance, very good when you're facing strong and numerous waves.Upgrade succubus to get more of them.

-the girls that throw blue fireball (don't remember their names), their health is very weak, but their fireball are great as they can push enemies back, and once upgraded they are very powerfull.

-valkyries, those are very resistant, they are quick and deal lot of damage, again upgrade them to get more of them. Valkyrie can only be unlocked by opening the upgrade on the right that need first you to get a hero on level 3.

-tiger warriors, they seem to fall quicker than a valkyrie, but they pack an insane amount of punch when they hit (one hit and usually a wave of enemy is dead), and they are very fast. Same as valkyries, can only be obtained from the upgrade branch on the right.

-epic canon, same as succubus, their area damage and "throw enemy up" makes this a great asset to deal with strong and numerous waves.

Titans are fun units, but you don't need any of them so use the money on troops upgrades, usually if you have the best troops and have upgraded them enough time, you'll have destroyed the enemy fort before they reach the fortess.

The Shield spell is the best spell of the whole game, making your soldier invulnerable for a time.
Be sure to get it and the altar upgrade (that improves your mana stock and mana speed).

the Shield and the Altar upgraded to the max are an extremely easy way to win every stages.
Just wait in your castle until you are full mana, then charge, use the Shield spell when you are near an enemy Titan/big bang bomb/dark goblin/etc... each time the shield counter reach 3, launch the spell again.

In mission that features an invulnerable enemy (dark goblin, celestial angel by example), focus on the fortress and the Shield spell, do not care about what happens around the invulnerable boss, when the fortress goes down, the boss is dead.

Grinding is needed to get the troops to be high level enough for later difficulty levels.

20 posts

Get Popo ASAP, he's far more useful than the warrior and wizard. Upgrade him to lvl 3 to unlock the green upgrade path, get the elf and work your way through the path to the end, you'll get another hero there.

Focus on the dwarf, elf and slayer, they're easily the best heroes.

Get pixies. They're suicidal (they tend to charge ahead of your main force), so they need some micromanaging, but their healing is absolutely vital in many levels.

Other units worth investing in:

Sylphs (piercing magic attack with knockdown? Yes please!)
Orang-Utans (best ranged unit, with their range and bouncing attack they can damage the enemy keep long before your melee forces would get there)
Succubus (frail, but very destructive)
Weretiger (takes a while to get them, but VERY worth attack range on a melee unit, once your weretigers reach the enemy keep the battle is pretty much won since they'll wipe out the enemy reinforcements with every swing)

Not really worth it:

Any 'mass' unit, particularly goblins and engineers. They die to fast and respawn too any given point after the initial exchange of blows you'll only have around 30% of your fighting force at the front, the rest will be waiting to respawn or running back into the meat grinder.

Don't focus on titans too much, they're not just slow to spawn but also move like continental the time they get to the fight, nine times out of ten the action will already be over.

Also, what Fizanko said...Shield is insanely powerful and will let you cheese your path through many otherwise troublesome levels.

By the way, the black goblins are not unkillable. You need non-elemental damage to hurt them. There's three sources of that: The Angel and Dragon titans, and the Meteor spell. A black goblin that gets in range can still one-shot a dragon, but the angel strikes from a decent range...and the meteor gives the goblin no chance to strike back at all. One fully upgraded meteor will take care of any black goblin (and everything else on the screen, usually).

3 posts

How do you increase your mana!?

20 posts

Altar skill, in the blue tree. Goes up to 400. And I think mana recovery rate is a percentage per tick, not a fixed value, so that goes up too.

3 posts

What are you talking about? Altar Skill?
All i upgraded was
-Viegraf Hero
-Mad Bull
-Cassandra Queen
-Tower (It need 210 Mana) I only have 200
-Untamed Beast
-Were Tiger
-Phoenix Strike
-Popo Epic Dwarf

20 posts

There's a blue skill line, unlocked...hmm, after upgrading viegraf or popo to lvl 2, I think.

One skill in it is called 'Altar'. It increases your max mana. Yeah, you'll have to work a bit to unlock that.

20 posts

I just tried the final final battle in Epic mode
... ouch.

The boss appear rather soon and is gigantic, will walk to your fortress and crush it in 1 blow (preventing you to wait and fill your mana bar to a good enough level).

To clear this final last stage in epic mode, you will need every of your heroes and troops fully upgraded (as they will take a lot of hit and you don't want some of your units to die in this battle if you want to stand a chance), you will need the shield spell and the altar (for the mana regeneration more than for the total amount of mana) fully upgraded too.

The tactic to beat him is to wait for the shield spell to be available for 1 use (wait more and the boss will be too near your fortress and will crush it soon).

Then move everyone you have and launch your shield spell when you approach the danger zone (1 hit of the boss is the same as for the demon lord stage, it kills everything it will hit on the whole screen).

Now micro manage -constantly- your quick heavy hitter so they stay between the legs of the boss, the only "safe zone", constantly because the boss move left and right, so the "safe zone" move with him, as when your shield spell will run out, you'll have to wait a bit before being able to relaunch it.
And you want your heavy hitters and heroes staying alive in this mission (recommend to have the starting hero and the girl on the rat/dragon, you need their speed to control them well enough)

Wait until you can launch another shield spell and do it, so you'll get more help from the slower units (canon, etc..) that would never have been able to move fast enough to get between the boss leg).

After a while the boss will begin to retreat to his fortress, that's good, continue to micromanage your heavy hitters so they stay between his leg (as soon as he is near his fortress, he will start to hit everything not under his legs again.

Again use the Shield spell when it becomes available to get the canons/etc.. help .
After a while, the enormous boss will fall, from there, it is just piece of cake to destroy the enemy fortress.

That's a fun level.

3 posts

Do i go to upgrades to increase my mana?
Viegraf is level 3, popo is level 2.

20 posts

[quote=Fizanko]I just tried the final final battle in Epic mode
... ouch.[/quote]

I had far less trouble with that, particularly once I noticed that unlike the normal and hard versions of that fight, this one was taking damage rather quickly. I waited until the boss was about halfway (had two shields' worth of mana at that point) and hit it with everything. By the time the second shield had run out, enough mana for a third one had recovered...and when THAT ran out, the boss was down to about 1/4 health and there were still lots of units hitting it from the 'safe zone'. He went down soon after.

12 posts

the tyrant lord is actually easy. you just use shield to get to his legs, and attack him. or you can go to the fortrees and kill that. does he move, or is it a glitch that he doesnt?

36 posts

all my data and the data of my freinds are lost! Why?
What happened
i didnt erased my cookies or cache....

3 posts

the game doesnt like you, orient tiger. lol jk i dont know what happened :P

36 posts


oh than its an sad Love. i Lovet it so much!

2,763 posts

all my data and the data of my freinds are lost! Why?

It's possible that some other program tampered with your save files like a defragmenter or an anti-virus.

the tyrant lord is actually easy. you just use shield to get to his legs, and attack him. or you can go to the fortrees and kill that. does he move, or is it a glitch that he doesnt?

I've never seen him move but yeah shield with titan units with the ability to do more damage takes care of him. Also some units break through him and attack the castle.

I just tried the final final battle in Epic mode
... ouch.

I watched in horror as a giant pixelated arms crushed me in about 2 seconds. Best strategy is shield and spamming imps to slow him down.

The annoying thing about the game is it's speed. I have to use cheat engine and 5* speed to prevent myself from dying of boredom. The game needs a 100* speed button.
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