Within me lies a madness. A thing undefined; Something of a void. Ever growing and consuming Every thought and action. Driving every impulse, Forcing me to batter Down all storm shutters So that my voice Does not give way to wanton shrieks.
Within me lies a maddness. A darkness unsolved. Something that takes all light; Feeding upon itself, And making its motives mine. A hoary demon of my mind; A thing of claws and blind eyes. Nothing but sick of heart And mind. And here is my madness, A thing confined by custom, By the walls of reason. Yet it waits.
Here lies my madness. In the confines of my conscience. The feral demon that it is. And it will wait. For madness knows no bounds Nor ends.
I like the threme and the alliteration. The wording could be better but overall pretty good. 8/10 Do you do these often? check out my thread. I would like some help with some of it.