ForumsArt, Music, and WritingScary Story Help

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347 posts

I want to write a scary story (doesn't have to be super long) to scare my friend.

However, I am not quite sure how I should write it. I want the story to include spiders and clowns (he hates both) and dogs (he said if there is a story with a dog, especially if he dies, he would be really scared).

I am just asking if anyone wants to try and help me with the story. I have to start yet, and I am not quite sure when I will be writing it, but when I do, I will be sure to share it, so everyone here can give me tips on how to make it better/scarier.

Thanks for all the help.

  • 10 Replies
13,657 posts

Well, that depends on whether the story is to be suspense or horror. You could do decently with the requirements in both genres, especially if the requirements don't have to be the focus of the story, or only one of them have to be.
I don't know how experience you are in writing and especially writing horror/suspense, so please tell more of what you have in mind.

1,258 posts

Yeah I agree with Cenere. We need more details for what your going for.

And my advice, use scary adjectives (did I spell that right?) this is the easiest way to make a story scarier use a thesaurus and it will turn your ordinary words into magnificent scary stories, but sometimes , most times, thi isn't enough, so what's the plot, and we can work from there.

347 posts

It's so hard to choose only one of them, but if I had to make a choice, I would say more suspense. I want a story that would stay with him for the night, so he would always be freaked out, and possibly for it to stay with him for many more nights after.
For my experience, I have gotten all A's in English class, although I have not written any horror/suspense stories.
I have, however, read a lot of suspense/horror stories (Stephen King, H.p. Lovecraft, and other authors I can't think of right now), so I understand what it should be like.

13,657 posts

use scary adjectives

Or for good suspense, make regular words creepy.

Hmm, yes. A slow buildup, possibly set in first person, or omniscient teller, a bunch of description. Usually it works best, especially if you want to have it hanging in the back of his mind for weeks, to have it set in a common place, and keep it there. It is easier to distance yourself, if the story is set, or moves to somewhere you can't relate to. A castle, the Arctic, stuff you don't go. Even cellars and attics could create a slight distance to the story, so for maximal effect you should create the atmosphere in the streets, in the kitchen, somewhere closeby and commonplace.
347 posts

The plot:

This is just a simple plot, and not a lot to it at the moment.

There are three teenagers having a sleepover. They stayed up late talking to each other and it is now 1 a.m. The just got off the subject of things that scare them most, and how they would react if something terrible happened (ex: they say someone walking towards the house that they didn't know). Just then, one of the boys hears a noise coming from just outside the window in a room nearby. (They are in the basement, if you were wondering). At first they think nothing of it, until they hear the noise a second time, and then a third time. The choose who should go out to look out the window in the other room. They choose one (don't have names yet, but would like to have scarier names, but at the same time realistic ones), and send him into the other room. He looks out the window to see what is there. From the other room (where the other two boys are), they hear a loud crashing, and then a scream from their friend. They think he might be playing a game, and making fun of them, until they hear a laugh, and a knife being stabbed into someone.

This is just the beginning, and I have some other thoughts on my mind, but at the moment I don't feel like writing them down.

Other Thoughts: the other two boys go into the bathroom to hide, but see shadows all around, so they run out of the bathroom. They then decide to look at the room where they heard the window break, but with a hockey stick that is in the basement. They end up finding nothing, and then hearing a noise from upstairs.

The unknown guy is a clown. Later, another kid will be taken away, leaving only one behind. This last kid is still hiding, and trying to escape, but he is too scared to leave, because of what might happen.

I want the story to end on sort of a cliffhanger. Where the clown is about to kill the last kid or something of that sort.

Hope this helped you in any way.

13,657 posts

Well, that's more horror than suspense, isn't it?

Hmm, you should probably write that in first person, then, in quick, flashy thought like sentences, with the delusion right there. The less you know and all that.

347 posts

I guess you could say it is more horror, but I am going for the effect, that you don't know a whole lot, and it is from the perspective of the people not being harmed, until the end.

I will try and start writing it soon, so you can tell me what you think about it.

347 posts

One more thing.

I am really not sure how I should start the story. Once I have the start, I can get the rest, but I just can't think of a good way to begin the story.

1,258 posts

You just gave me a wonderful idea for one of my stories thanks. Anyways I think I could help uyou with the begining. And I agree, Cenere, short choppy sentences are great for suspense. The shorter the sentences the more suspeneful the story becomes.
I will help you later maybe an hour or so, but right now I am registering at school.

347 posts

If anyone wants to help with the first paragraph, that would be greatly appreciated!

Just need help with the first one, then I will start on the rest and hopefully have part of it up soon!

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