Who's Your Favorite? Why? Send Me a Reply Of who it is,And a Picture if you want. Mines Eleanor Lamb From Bioshock 2.
Best all time: David (Solid Snake) & Cloud from FF7 I would have to say tie it for me.
Mario's sorta overrated. So, I would probably choose Luigi because he's been in his bro's shadow too long.
Kratos from god of war.I love how he kills everything in a gory way for example in god of war 3 he chops off or rips off both of hermes legs.
Uhmmmmmm i would have to say Soap from cod4 and cod6! he has a cool haircut in cod6 :P
gordon freeman is the best in my opinion
Ash from phantom Brave, for the Ps2.Though I also like megaman X, Sonic...Jr, Ziggy and Chaos from Xenosag, Dante, etc...There're too much nice video game characters out there, it's hard to choose ^^.
marioor master chief
Claire Redfield all the way. :P
Mario!!! Since the old times, Mario is awesome and still today is awesome.
rev=/images%3Fq%3Dclaire%2Bredfield&zoom=1&q=claire+redfield&usg=__3KgXOo03srH4tWTaaQIoq2ELSlI=&sa=X&ei=aBCQTIXkIo_WtQOGx62yDg&ved=0CCoQ9QEwAQ" alt="http://http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.videogamegirlsdb.com/Images/Resident_Evil/Claire/Claire_Redfield_RE2_06.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.videogamegirlsdb.com/Girls/GameGirlImage.aspx%3FImageId%3D1838&h=1000&w=400&sz=64&tbnid=VUoxhiRIGXhY_M:&tbnh=355&tbnw=142&rev=/images%3Fq%3Dclaire%2Bredfield&zoom=1&q=claire+redfield&usg=__3KgXOo03srH4tWTaaQIoq2ELSlI=&sa=X&ei=aBCQTIXkIo_WtQOGx62yDg&ved=0CCoQ9QEwAQ" />Claire Redfield FTW
Gambit from Marvel V.S. Capcom PS1
hmmm... I'd have to say Gray fox from MGS (not sure of his name. He has sort of a robotic Cyclops-like helmet) He's an epic ninja : )
Link from LoZ
That guy from Gothic.. The nameless hero!
Kratos from God of War series he is so ruthless,bloodletting,killer and most bad man around!
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