Bob the mouse was sitting in the creepy rat dungeon, when he saw a movement in the corner. It was a little fury object which he tryed to touch but it moved away. "I wonder why its does not like me" he thought. As soon as he realized what it was, the dungeon door opened. The rat guard was there (which he hated the most because he was the most strict)and then something happened... and then something like a cone went right through him. "Ouch" said the guard...
Thats part of the story and im working on a interduction.
He realized that the object in the corner, there a a medal pinecone at him. The guard fell down. Bob was so scared he screamed. This alarmed the other guards and they came right to Bob. The object thru more pinecones toward the guards. The guards readyed there spears and swords and thats all how everything happened. The jail door was speared open and Bob ran and took the object with him. They ran right out of the dungeon...