I wrote this poem for another website, and decided, why the hell not bring it AG Btw, please don't look at the part where it says "ossibly die" and assume I mean I want a violent revolution... because that's not true. I wrote this poem in about 30 minutes, and it only has two prior drafts. I think it's fairly good though, let me know what you think. If you disagree with my poem, feel free to make a 'rebuttal poem' lol. I don't even have a title for this thing, but I still hope you enjoy.
Be Advised: Your life and dignity are at risk We must fight, possibly die, to preserve them The greedy demons with suitcases are in the homeland! They hold in them: concentrated power, fear and inequality The demons will package them nicely and sell these things to us But, if we stand strong, and together, we can return them In exchange we can receive something better, and more gratifying We have no choice but to do this, it is our duty as human beings Our duty I tell you It was given to us by the sympathetic and wise judges of Nuremberg The time has come to replace this unjust system This system that we have accepted as life Replace slavery with freedom Replace selective power with equality for all Do not stop until even the frailest man can have a voice For if we choose amnesty... History shall record us as cowards and victims Who chose imprisonment forever, over life