ForumsGame WalkthroughsEchoes - operation stranglehold

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Hi. I know you can get the adventurer achievment by visiting . But how do you get rage quit, bukkake and never give up? I know it sas how to get never give up, but i dont know who this "yuki" is and where the radio is. As for bukkake, i think it has something 2 do with the units beacuse on the achievment lord of war, it sas unlock all abilities and weapons, but NOT unit. Sow i think you need 2 get all units for bukakke (not sure). As for rage quit, i have no idea. I tryed going into a mission and getting killed without killing anyone else, but dident get it. And a last thing (WARNING THIS PART IS A SPOILER). In the end, Dem realises that deus ex machina means God from the machine, but in what language is that? Or is it in the "hybrid" language?

  • 38 Replies
2 posts

Bukkake means... nevermind.

1 posts

I survived 10 mins, but how do u unlock anything? anyweapon, without unlocking, u get tossed around like rag doll, by tanks, hee hee, someone have ne strategy, on how to gain energy and resources quickly, coz 1 min time and during battle, u cant do anything! one goes up, energy low, energy goes up, gold low, my hatest enemy is the one with high tossing bomb, every time I see that, no matter where im at, i run and kill it right in front of my face, that dude has killed all my resources, absolutely decimated my population , i cant even begin to tell ya guys how much i hate that infantry. any thing will be cool! any advice or how uve succeeded!

1 posts

Which would you guys like better Dues Ex Machina or DEM? im just asking i think DEM is cooler

3 posts

how do you get more weapoms in this game. I HAVE ONLY THE FIRST 2!

993 posts

how do you get more weapoms in this game.

You need to play survival, there is a vending machine.GO close to it,it shows a small window where is pictures.Move your cursor to right edge of the small window and it rolls to right and you see more icons.If you have enough resuorses click icon to unlock skill/unit/weapon.
1 posts

To everyone who is struggling at Stage 4 or Survival Mode,

Most times, you rely on yourself rather than your units, thinking that the Hybrid are much stronger than you. Thing is, you are wrong. Your units are actually equally matched to the Hybrid. Hell, they might even be STRONGER. Proof or tips? Here:

Weak basic and advanced- Your most basic unit(UEN Combat Marine), and your strongest unit(UEN Junker Tank), are weaker than the Hybrids' "Half-bloods"(Half-bloods are the Hybrid's most basic units, half-bloof referring to: part machine, part flesh) and the Armadillo(Hybrid tank). It takes atleast 2 Marines to beat 1 Half-blood. Same goes to the Junker Tank and Armadillo.

Numbers and strength -The Hybrid Pantheon, over-all, have numbers AND strength. Their frog-like creatures or "Bloodfiends" have great numbers as for their Half-blood and Armadillo, have great power.

Scouting and sight- Any Hybrid can see you one and a half screen away(The measure of your screen plus half of it). Your units, however, will only attack enemies that are on their screen(Which is as big as your screen).

Your slow units- The Rangers are very fast, and have lots of HP, so this will be no problem. But your best units, Cybernetics and Rocketeers, are very slow. The Junker tank is, as well, slow. But the Hybrid's machinery and infantry are very much faster than yours. This makes it impossible to retreat without losing majority of your units.

Low Ground adaptation- The Half-blood Thralls, can shoot your units even when you're in high ground. The Grenadiers need not worry about this, as their grenades reach very high altitudes. Your units, however, have a very small chance of hitting the enemy in these conditions.
Don't let these bog you down, because we haven't thought of the advantages yet:

Rocketeers VS Grenadiers- You may not see it, but your Rocketeers are actually STRONGER than the Grenadiers. Note that your Rocketeers are, in fact, slow, but that's the only downside! Your Rocketeers have a faster rate of fire, strength and durability. As for the Grenadier's companion Bloodfiend(The Bloodfiend companions of the Grenadiers have a small chance of surviving after their masters' death), they can easily be take care of whilst the Rocketeer's melee attack(Yes, Rocketeers can do melee, and their melee is stronger than the Grenadiers', too).

Cybernetics VS Slaughterer- Many, too, do not see it, but the UEN Cybernetic is equally matched to the Hybrid Slaughterer(A Slaughterer is a Hybrid version of the Cybernetic). Try it if you wish. You shall see that they are evenly matched. The Cybernetics are weaker than the Slaughterers in terms of strength, but are stronger in terms of armor and durability, which makes the Cybernetics better meat shields, as they have little chance of being able to attack.

Rangers VS Half-Bloods- Your Rangers are your best chance of success. They are cheaper, quicker, stronger, faster, and BETTER than the Marines. They prove excellent meat shields and melee attackers. They defend, and attack well. They are, actually, STRONGER than the Half-blood, and prove a great substitute to the Cybernetic. They can win a 2vs3 match against the Half-Bloods, 2vs4 if they were used for melee. But their best use, would be to eliminate the Grenadiers quickly. Remember that the Grenadiers are very annoying units. Rangers, can solve that problem. The Cybernetics are too slow, and the Marines and Rocketeers would probably die before penetrating the Half-blood thralls that guard the Grenadiers. With the amazing strength, speed and durability of the Rangers, they will be able to observe massive fire, sneak into enemy lines and eliminate the Grenadiers and would still have lots of health to spare.

Buggies- Very useful units. They can resupply you in the midst of battle. When you're out of ammo, just walk towards a buggie! Sure enough, he'll re-supply all of your ammo.

And, of course, the UEN's biggest advantage, is YOU- Note that Dem has many powerful weapons and abilities. Each of them very useful. Use Stealth to quietly retreat. Use Heal when there are too many Grenadiers and your allies are slowly falling. Use Shield when there are too many enemies to deal with. Use EMP when surrounded by Bloodfiends. Use Photon Cannons to eliminate enemy armor easily. Use the Nano Blade when fighting Bloodfiends. Use the Photon Emitter when fighting low-health Hybrids. Use the Rocket Launcher to easily destroy enemy numbers and armor. Use the EAMER to eliminate lone enemies.

See? Your men are practically better than the Hybrids'. Many do not realize this, for they do not look at the facts so straight. If you want more proof, then try it yourself! See that my facts remain facts and not fiction. See your units eliminate the Hybrid, and win back Earth.

For the UEN!

421 posts

At the last level, when that machine throws his arm on the ground, and can't lift it up for a short time, run up the arm and stab the cockpit with a nano blade.

2 posts

Bukkake means get 20 hostiles on screen at once in survival rick roll probably means wait in survival and yuki will rick roll you at wave 30 or something.

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