Ever feel like you have it bad, in terms of rules and regulations, where you think the government is doing much worse than good? Many people in your time feel that same way. However, many people in the future wish they had your experiences with the government. Take, for example, Joseph Fisher, 24 year old male just graduated from college and currently enrolled in his first year in medical school. He is happily engaged to his beloved-to-be, Miss Trisha Miller. They are dead set on getting married. However, even they believe it's not going to be easy. Let's just continue saying that people in this time wish they had your experiences with your government.
The year is 2257, where there is constant unrest in the federal and state governments of the United States. Population control is devastating families who wish to live out their lives as much as they wish. The federal laws of the government only permit having one child. The parents of said child must be able to afford raising it, by a substantial amount. The only way for you to have a child is if you are married, which means it is illegal for procreation or sexual intercourse without a union. Homosexual marriages are encouraged; they are much cheaper to fund than heterosexual marriages and are given heavy benefits if they adopt a child. Heterosexual couples who wish to be married must undergo extreme procedures--a test to see if they are right for each other. This last regulation happens to be Joseph Fisher's exact problem.
~*End Foreword:*~
It was yesterday at 11:00 at night where I was walking home to see my Trisha. It was quite dark, except for the streetlights and blinking,swaying traffic lights paving the way. I waited for the "don't walk" signal to blink and change, allowing me to move to the next lane. This roaring van came out of nowhere and stopped in my direction on the way to the next street walk. They didn't care about the oncoming traffic, who honked their horns in disgust. I made out three bulky shadows, lights barely illuminating their silhouettes, who bashed out the van, bellowing some nonsense that I can't remember. I made for the other direction, but they tased me and dragged me in their van, while the traffic goers watched in horror. Engine roaring, they threw me on the bench and forced me to sit down, while the van swerved in and out of the traffic flying the opposite direction. I screamed for help, even though it was futile. Stricken with fear, they covered my mouth, while something smooth and cold fell down my throat. That's all I can remember from that night.
I couldn't tell where I was, let alone what day or time. From the time I was in that van until now, I have to deduce that I was thrust in this strange facility. All around me were small, projected security cameras that pivoted around the perimeter of this sphere-like room. I'd have to say that it was around 60x60 feet, but not sure about how tall the room is. My headache couldn't take in all this mechanical, visual information--it seemed like such an illusion! This alien, futuristic-like room was mostly empty, except for a ragged bed with covers that could barely cover a man and a rusty toilet. I was sort of perplexed about the fact that there was no sink. I suppose I and other captors would just wash their hands in the bowl.
Clearing my head a bit, I was fixed upon this gigantic, rectangular screen that was mounted to the top of the room. It protruded out of a socket, then bent down several angles in order to fully outstretch the arm. It must be a television. With it fixed directly at me, the screen finally turned on, the radio waves issuing that age-old sound. A humanoid figure, hooded to cover its face, appeared on the screen and emanated a synthetic, raspy voice, essentially concealing whether the figure was a man or a woman.
"Good evening, Mr.Fisher," uttered the figure in salutation. Two figures burst out of the room and walked in a rush towards me. One bore a spray liquid in his hand. The other held me down, even though I was kicking and screaming, while the other sprayed the liquid all over my head. "This liquid will clear your mind," spoke the figure on the television screen, "since that sedation pill made you weary. Now, you do know why you're here, don't you?"
"You must have my Trisha in here too," I deduced, "Where's my wife, you totalitarian pigs??"
"Calm down," the figure replied, "She is here too, but she is under the same test you are."
"What test??" I commanded.
"Come now, Mr. Fisher, didn't you take this test in Government class? You are here because you two are requesting a marriage, yes?"
"Fine, you're holding us up for a test," I remembered, "but this is a cruel, inhumane way for a couple to declare their love for each other!"
"Ethics or not, Mr. Fisher, we all have to take this, in order to ensure that our population doesn't escalate out of control."
The figure on the television screen cleared its throat and paused, before continuing. "This is a very simple, but effective procedure that can be completed in less than an hour. You two are going to be given a series of scenarios and questions and are to answer truthfully. Whether you pass or not determines whether you live...or die."
"That's insane!" I attacked. "You people are all ins--"
"Now now, Mr. Fisher," The figure interrupted, "Like I just got through explaining. We all had to do this and all you have to do...is answer truthfully. The facility you are in is linked, from one hemisphere to the next. The room you are in now is the West side, while your fiancee is on the East side. As you successfully complete each scenario, you will be inching closer and closer to each other. When you complete the final scenario, you will enter a final room, where you will finally be reunited. Then, you will be married as you so please. Now are you going to go through with your promise to your fiancee? Or are you going to be put down?"
I gritted my teeth, "fine. I'll do it."
"Excellent!" The figure praised. "Now, just walk through the door where that fine gentleman who sprayed you just exited, and we will get started."
I shakily walked over to the door which was adjacent to the television screen. It seems the spray medicine hasn't worked fully yet. Turning the knob on the door, I was welcomed by a very small, compact area with just a chair and two video screens, supported by a table. An intercom with the same figure's voice explained, "Scenario number one: Which one of these two women would you feel more comfortable with?"
Immediately afterward, the two screens lit up, bearing two photos of very familiar women. One was of my beloved fiancee, Trisha Miller; long, auburn hair, blue eyes, thin, rounded glasses, with a very sincere smile that melts my heart. Another was of a woman with long blond hair, hazel eyes, with a healthy, toothy smile that screams "come and get me!" Clearly, this was the photo of my ex-girlfriend of 7 months! She is truthfully much more stunning than my fiancee, but my heart is set on her. I declared, "Trisha Miller is my answer! Now, give her back to me!"
"All in due time," denied the voice. "But congratulations: you have passed scenario number one. You are now higher than 20% of Americans in the 80 percentile range. This is essentially the elimination round for the lustful idiots. Now then--move along!"
The door to the next room clicked, which signaled me to move on. I couldn't tell any sort of image in this room though--it was pitch black and dead quiet. The only sound that echoed was my heart beat and, moments later, the sound of the voice stating "scenario number two: What do you do?"
Suddenly, I was thrust in what I believed to be a dark alleyway. I was witness to my wife and future child under the knife of a highwayman. He was covered by a wool, navy blue hat and was considerably larger than me. He was huddled over the two, brandishing a knife at their throats, while my Trish and my child stared at me in fright. The same echoing of "what will you do?" continued on, as the voice now issued out of the robber's mouth in his voice.
At once, I was given a memory. It must have been synthetic, as I don't think I partook in any of this experience. I was in a mini-mart that was hosting the lottery where I entered a 12-digit number worth 250 million dollars. After much sweat pouring down my neck and my wife and child cuddling next to me in great hopes, the machine that checked the numbers beeped 4 times. The beaming cashier happily announced that we won the jackpot! 250 million dollars! That would have settled all our debt and would have lasted us for years! The cashier prompted us to head towards the Walmart where we would be able to cash our check. We happily strolled along the sidewalk where a man, described as in my experience above, lashed out and threw my wife and child into the back alley way. I reached for his cuff, but he cut my hand with his knife. He was demanding anything valuable.
In a haze, I was brought back to the "resent", where the robber reached out for his hand, his knife still pressed against my family. I had nothing else of value on me. With a tear in my eye, I gave the robber the winning lottery ticket. He nodded his head and threw my family towards my direction and fled. With bursting tears, we held each other for a very long time.
However, they were distorting out of reality, swerving in and out of the air around them. They faded away, and I was back in the same room I was, huddling in the corner in the same fashion I was back in the experience.
"You guys are cruel, cruel people to have us perform such cruel experiences!" I shouted.
"But congratulations!" the voice praised once again, "You are now farther than what half the entries posted are. Guess what else? You only have one more scenario to go! You should be happy, not sulking over whether this is ethical or not!"
I was huffing at the nose and mouth in anger, my face reddening.
"Now then...continue onward."
The door to the next room clicked, which signaled me to move on. Inside was nothing too fancy. There was a wooden table, complemented by two matching chairs. There was a long, glass window, where a group of shadowy figures watched in curiosity. Posted on a nearby wall was:
I wasn't embarrassed though. If this is what I have to do to ensure a marriage, then with God as my witness I shall!
The door to the next room was thrust open suddenly. The figure who walked out was someone familiar. She was wearing a long, red-and-white skirt that only left her ankles bare. She wore a matching shoulderless top that was somewhat revealing, but was nothing too serious. On her feet was a pair of wool slippers that was quite worn. It was none other than my beloved Trisha! Her smile wide, she ran towards me and embraced, hugging and kissing me for what seemed like hours.
I wanted to continue, but she stopped abruptly. Still holding my shoulders, she smiled and spoke softly "Honey, I'm glad to see you once again!"
"Me too Sweetheart..." I replied.
"But I have also undergone these tests," She continued, "and one of these men told me something quite surprising."
"W-what's that, Trish?" I asked.
"Honey..." she paused. "Are you keeping secrets from me?"
"WHAT?" I gasped in shock. "No! I would never--"
"Please don't like to me sweetie..." she looked down, hurt. "You know it hurts me when you lie."
Sweat bleeding down my neck, I looked around. The figures behind the glass window suddenly got up from their seats and stood right in front of it, expecting something.
"Please Joshua," Trisha begged. "Just tell me the truth. Tell me anything that you are covering up."
I had to admit something. I was involved with quite a few things in my life time that would have otherwise angered my fiancee and compromised my marriage. One of those things being breaking the law. I committed Extramerital Procreation, something that would have caused me to go to jail and caused any relationships that I had while committing the crime to be thoroughly upset with me.
I swore under my breath. "What good is it, huh??" I bellowed to the men outside the window. "What good is it to have a marriage.... when I break the law AND compromise it??"
Trisha looked down upon me in a confused manner, while I slowly collapsed to the floor. "Just answer the question, Mr. Miller," the synthetic voice said.
"I....I-I..." I stuttered, "I can't....I can't do this."
"What's the matter?" the voice asked in curiosity. "Is there something you cannot discuss?"
"I can't tell her.... I just can't!"
"Then I do believe we have a problem. Guards, escort him to the injection room."
A group of men in black clothing with hooded faces burst from the room and grabbed me. I screamed as loud as I could, trying my best to break free and dismember some of the guards. I was dragged from the room and out the door. I was making such noise, but something outside the room caught my notice and thus, made me cry uncontrollably.
"Josh? Where are you? Please tell me you answered the question! I have something to tell you. Please! I have to explain something to you! Josh! Please answer! Josh!"