Anyways sorry for the long title just checking to see if there was a limit I guess not. Anyways this is where, from now on, I will be posting everything that I write, just for my wonderful fans (into microphone: cue the cheering). Anyways for right now I am working on a pod at writing. But nothing at this moment for you guys so false alarm (into microhone: cue booing).
I guess you've learned the hard way that there is no limit to how long your title is. The real question is, what will the title be shortened to when changed?
If you ever create art, you can put that here too. I don't know if you're an artist or not, but if you are, or you just feel like creating art anyway, you won't need to make a separate thread for it.
Awesome I doodle, and I am a great doodler btw. And this is great just what I needed. The title will probably be something like. "Janky Artwork and Writing: by Saving123" yeah so.
Yes sir Mr. Gantic, sir, Lawl I'm in ROTC, not anymore. Okay so here we go just to follow orders and all, I will upload a previously written one, and another one A.S.A.P.
Darkness Darkness, it wraps itself around me, it binds with me, it attaches itself to me, like a parasite, but much more different, I have a feeling that this relationship will benefit the both of us. What the darkness gives me is comfort; it wraps me in a cocoon of protection, guarding me from my own emotions, my anger, my sadness, my depression, my madness. And what I give in return for this protection, is my soul, and letting the darkness use my body as its temporary mortal host, this seems to be enough for the darkness. I have received more than I ever could have been able to ask for, I, not only have let the darkness wrap itself around me and let it attach itself to me, but I have become so engrossed in hiding from my emotions, using the darkness as a curtain, I have become one with the darkness. I no longer am attached to the darkness, but instead I am the darkness.
Have to edit that, but haven't gotten around to it, it's great as is, I think, but could always be better. BTW thanks Gantic for changing the title. Love you. JK Anyways seriously thanks.
Sorry DP The way that you ask It's like there is no more time But I still want to bask In the wonder of your crimes You're a great thief There is nothing you can't take You steal everything even ground beef Once even my grandma's rake You take it all Nothing to big for your truck You even steal from the mall How that works out maybe luck But your luck has run dry Completely, sadly its gone For everything has gone awry For you made your last con You're going to the pin You will be sad an alone You will be with all of your kin But be careful of how you talk use the right tone I'M NOT GOING TO PRISON WITH YOU!! SO DON'T ASK AGAIN!!
There is a poem seriously tell me what you think, it's a story poem, I guess.
You don't need to worry about double posting in yer own thread, bud. Strop ttly does it too.
have a feeling that this relationship will benefit the both of us
Ah the benefits of a mutual symbiotic relationship. Though with something so dark, I wouldn't blame anyone for calling it a parasite.
Anyway, watch out for those run-ons. Also, vary your word usage. Seeing "the darkness" over and over detracts from the experience.
As for the poem... Well, it's odd. I've not much experience in poetry, but from what I have read, it's not one of the best written. It rhymes, which is all well and good, but word usage is important here too.
Neither way is perfect either way lives are lost. But the more time I get to spend with you all the better. If I take the latter of the two choices I might die but my spirit will live on forever. My bravery will live on for all eternity. The sacrifice that I have given will allow me to meet you again in the afterlife. And this is what I believe to be the correct choice. Goodbye my friends.
@Escartian you seriously do not want to know. It was actually a conversation. Sadly my scanner still isn't going to be able to work so I am going to have to still stick with pictures with the camera =( double sad face. Anyways could I have a artist critique my work? Zoph? Strop? Other artists that aren't mods?