I'm looking for any artists that would like to help me make comic book. 1 would be great but 2 would be better. I can do all the writing but if you like to make changes feel free to contact me. The pictures may be semi cartoonish but kinda serious. The artist must be able to draw weapons as well. I don't care how fast you are as long as you take it seriously. Whoever i pick (if i pick anyone) will become my partner and we will split all the fame right down the middle. If you are interested please post on here saying yes and i will add your name to the list of entrants. After i do that you must post a picture of something you made. I need at least 2-3 samples. The more the better. At least one must be in color. I don't care if the drawing are from years ago as long as they reflect what kind of artist you are. I would also prefer someone 13 or older because this will be a PG-13 comic book. I can put the pictures i need together all i need is pictures. Also if any site staff are reading this i would like someone to contact me about if its ok for me to post the finished comics. I would also like someone who is better than me at making websites and posting things. I am pretty good at putting things together but i can't really do everything. Thanks!