ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe tale of Micheal Paradagas and Susie Lancaster (Inspired by Dirty Heads - "Lay Me Down")

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A red bandana was wrapped around his face, the rest of the face was a bright pink. The man was had a nice sunburn from the texas sun beating down on him most all the time. His eyes were a dark brown, and his hair a lighter, more subtle brown. He had a scar on his left cheek, streaking diagonally to his jawbone. On his head was a hat which had dust and scratches lining it. On the hat was 6 ace of spades cards and a leather belt holding them in place.
He had a leather vest on, dusty and scratched up. Under it was a dusty, but surprisingly undamaged long sleeved shirt made from a thin cloth. It had stripes of a darker white. Around his waist was a belt carrying a leather holster. Inside the holster there was a six-shooter. His pants looked like his vest, dusty and scratched. They looked like most chaps. His shoes were of a fine quality, complete with spurs.
The woman beside him had a red bandana across her face as well. A dirty-blonde colored ponytail came from the back of her black leather cowboy hat. She had beautiful green eyes, and a surprisingly radiant complexion. She had a simple long sleeved cloth shirt on, and a form of pants that both acted as a skirt and pants. She had leather chaps and a pair of black cowboy boots complete with spurs.
These two people are Micheal Paradagas and Susie Lancaster, the last members of the Royal Cards gang.

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