ForumsGame WalkthroughsEpic Combo Game Guide

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11 posts

Well.. To be honest, this game is kinda weird but its seriously addicting !

And.. With the topic, I have a few game tactics for Epic Combo !

First of all, launcher is the most important thing that we can buy ! I personally use only launchers and turtle regulation updates..

But.. If you want to do it quicker(not on unlimited mode) you may add a turret on each launcher, that makes x2 score in same time..

Worst thing is startup money, we don't start with much money and we must pay x2 everytime ! We gotta make quick manual timeouts and clicks.. When we get enough money, we can start by building 3 launchers and upgrading all turtle stuff to 3rd level !

You may want to give them less room ! You can use buzzsaws to make a wall.. That's another great idea !

My first try was all about mixing stuff.. I used all of them and scored 15k points... That works but you must put all weapons carefully !

I am playing buzzsaw-launcher game at the moment.. I'll write scores of all tactics soon.. If you have other tactics, I think everybody will want to hear !

  • 18 Replies
32 posts

One slightly helpful tactic I have is when u start with very little money, coat both of the wall with the lazers-trigger things. You get a lot of combo, and they're pretty cheap. Another great one is that, for every launcher u put down, put a buzzsaw directly above it. Guaranteed 2 for every launcher touched.

1,360 posts

This game needs a walkthrough? xD
I'd say it's pretty straight forward..
Just spam the entire screen with every single trap you can buy and make a huge combo, probably will take over an hour though, so you can do whatever else in another window.

5 posts

For unlimited mode, I have some tips:

You're trying to maximize your combos / second.

-Don't use wall lasers. They will slow you the freak down once you're getting more than a few hundred combos / second. The problem is the graphics. It is still a problem even on low quality.
-I believe buzz saw traps are the fastest combo generators. Make a small triangle of buzz saws with the ceiling as the base, and a small entry point in one of the sides. Line the ceiling in that area with turrets.
-Guarantee your turtles will eventually make it into your buzz saw traps via a carpet of launchers. If your trap is done right, once the turtles go in they'll never come out.
-A carpet of proximity mines greatly helps, because these mines kick up other turtles you didn't directly hit with your hammer.
-It is doubtful there is much benefit to increasing the flow rates beyond 100. The max effectiveness limit might even be less.
-Continual reinvestment is key - you have to keep stopping your combo runs to cash in and buy more stuff. It will be worth it if you can increase your combos / second rate. 50,000 combos = $1 million, so if you know your current rate, and the cost of the next thing you want to buy, then you can estimate when it's worth checking back to cash in and buy stuff.

If anyone knows a more effective way than buzz saw traps packed with turret guns, I'd be much interested.

5 posts

For unlimited mode, I have some tips:

You're trying to maximize your combos / second.

-Don't use wall lasers. They will slow you the freak down once you're getting more than a few hundred combos / second. The problem is the graphics. It is still a problem even on low quality.
-I believe buzz saw traps are the fastest combo generators. Make a small triangle of buzz saws with the ceiling as the base, and a small entry point in one of the sides. Line the ceiling in that area with turrets.
-Guarantee your turtles will eventually make it into your buzz saw traps via a carpet of launchers. If your trap is done right, once the turtles go in they'll never come out.
-A carpet of proximity mines greatly helps, because these mines kick up other turtles you didn't directly hit with your hammer.
-It is doubtful there is much benefit to increasing the flow rates beyond 100. The max effectiveness limit might even be less.
-Continual reinvestment is key - you have to keep stopping your combo runs to cash in and buy more stuff. It will be worth it if you can increase your combos / second rate. 50,000 combos = $1 million, so if you know your current rate, and the cost of the next thing you want to buy, then you can estimate when it's worth checking back to cash in and buy stuff.

If anyone knows a more effective way than buzz saw traps packed with turret guns, I'd be much interested.

65 posts

nie tips

780 posts

Unlimited mode
use the spikes to make a square with a small opening

| |------------------------| |
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| |____________| |
| X |

The above (if it works, shows how your screen should look like
Square of spikes with small opening
X is you
| on the bottom are launchers

11 posts

yes . at unlimited mode i always put 1 launcher, and 1 buzz saw above. then i am going to get the whole field full of launchers. then i place some mines for the maximum turtles in the air. then i do as escartian above here does.

25 posts

I have a tip for the game. When you first start, buy a few launchers with buzz-saws directly above them (This will ensure X2 Combo for ever single bounce). After getting these, work only on the flow of the turtles. Once you have a ton of turtles on the ground plant 3 proxy mines directly next to each other, and near the launchers. I got a huge combo doing this, and my turtles kept bouncing for over an hour!

266 posts

I used the saw only it ended the game in less then 5 min. Once you put a wall of saws on the lowest location, none of the turtles will stop boncing. From there just throw up as many of them as you can with one hit (after a few farm runs you can easily boost to level 9 or max), once launched 10k combo will be done in less then a minute.

324 posts

Wow, this tips are cool.

351 posts

Awesome tips. Thanks but on Unlimited mode it's have to go to the Shop to stop it.

5 posts

To make an unstopping combo, coat the entire floor with launchers. Yes, this will take some work, but then the combo never stops. Also, go to anther tab to wait out those longer combo's

103 posts

This game is a bit easy for a tutorial, I mean just buy lots of turtles, then about 5 turrets, 4 launchers, 3 lasers and as many blades as you can.

57 posts

Didnt know this game needed a guide... Just rabdomly throw everything you can into the map, untill the stuff costs more then 1 mil. You will have a huge combo on unlimited. And if you really want bragging rights, leev it on over night

114 posts

this game is really good the only problem i have with it goes with tphack's tips. about getting the turtles traped in the buzz saws and never getting out. i agree that is the easiest way to get a mega combo. however it is soooo boring! i did that one game and i think i got to like 200k and i just had to quit cause for about 10 mins all i was doing was watching the numbers rise and rise. so in my opinion the funnest way is having a bunch of launchers and turrets. cause afterall a game is about fun

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