And so the void of the thread sat there, existing. I could only imagine the pain of being it. Doing nothing but existing, observing the nothingness of the thread, I began to wonder if I could look away. If I looked away, would I die? Would I know who I was anymore? Eventually I began to realize that the abysmal white was staring back at me, with an angry look about it. I tried to look away, but I couldn't let my legs move. The lack of substance was going to engulf me.
Actually the title sounds interesting but what matters is are you going to put anything onhere or what!!!!!!!11 So shouldnt you have at least the beginning ready how unprofessional.(then realizes how unprofessional is past stories are then remembers about his new story he currently writng then a idea sparks in his head and he says im going to go get a donut from the kitchen leaves his computer
And this is the reason why threads shouldn't be created with no actual content. In the meantime, this thread will remain locked. OP can recreate this thread when he as actual content or request that this thread be unlocked when there is actual content.