Welcome to the First Community Tile Project, the Community Tile Project of Autumn 2010!
So what is it exactly?
You, the user, are given a 50 by 50 pixel tile to fill in relating to the current theme of the Project. The theme for this Project is Your Username. Accepted tiles will be added to the image at the bottom of this post. I have already filled in the first tile. The Project will end when there are 100 tiles or at the end of September, whichever comes first. Hopefully we can get as many entries as possible.
There are several things to keep in mind when making your tiles:
-Entries must be 50 by 50 pixels. Smaller entries will need filler to be up to size requirements. -One entry per user. You may revise your entry at any time before the end of the project. -Entry must relate to your username. If it isn't immediately obvious, explanation may be necessary. -Entries should be submitted before October 1st.
Get your entries in before October 1st and we'll see how this turns out. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project.
Community Tile Project - Autumn 2010 - Usernames NOTE: You may need to hard refresh or clear your cache to view the latest image.
Well I said I was going to participate and I never back out of a promise, so here we are!
If you don't know, it's supposed to be shaped like an F, and it resembles Freakenstein's helmet. I started at 7:30 something so it was a little over an hour to complete. Very proud of it and my grueling efforts! ^_^
@Replies: Perhaps when the next theme is more creative, more users will want to participate. I also think it's not too far off the chart to say people want their entry to look good. Paint and Xat really dont accomplish much unless you are quite thorough with it.
That being said, we should reiterate that this is merely for FUN, PARTICIPATION, and CONTRIBUTION.
Some people I've talked to either have no idea what to do with a 50x50 tile at the moment or state that they're horrible at computer art without a graphics tablet
Triple post, but legit, since it's been a day.
Take my submission for example. That image was originally 200x200. Obviously, people can't be expected to work on an entry WHILE the resolution is at 50x50. Once you are working on the entry, just originally have the picture broader so you can work efficiently. Then use a site like Photobucket to resize the image to 50x50.
If people are complaining of their turnout with their submission, just make sure that your tile is as general as possible. Don't try to be so detailed with the image, as small parts of it may be a little pixel-y and jagged looking.
I would assume people would have the sense to know that it'd be good to work with a larger image and scale it down but...
Haha, well I didn't, I started with the small size and zoomed in to make it easier to create.. But I guess that's why mine is so simple. It worked out in my case.