Welcome to the First Community Tile Project, the Community Tile Project of Autumn 2010!
So what is it exactly?
You, the user, are given a 50 by 50 pixel tile to fill in relating to the current theme of the Project. The theme for this Project is Your Username. Accepted tiles will be added to the image at the bottom of this post. I have already filled in the first tile. The Project will end when there are 100 tiles or at the end of September, whichever comes first. Hopefully we can get as many entries as possible.
There are several things to keep in mind when making your tiles:
-Entries must be 50 by 50 pixels. Smaller entries will need filler to be up to size requirements. -One entry per user. You may revise your entry at any time before the end of the project. -Entry must relate to your username. If it isn't immediately obvious, explanation may be necessary. -Entries should be submitted before October 1st.
Get your entries in before October 1st and we'll see how this turns out. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project.
Community Tile Project - Autumn 2010 - Usernames NOTE: You may need to hard refresh or clear your cache to view the latest image.
@ transatlantic I also like square numbers, yet I will disagree this time. 21 is such an amazing number, the sum of divisors for the integers 1 through 6 is 21, plus 21 is the sum of the first six natural numbers. It's way better than 25 or even 20.
@the_13th_blob_of_goo Yes, but the entries are squares. A 3x7 rectangle would not look as good as a 4x6 of a 5x5 standalone. If this were part of an instillation, then perhaps. I do not figure on creating a triangle as that is less communal and more hierarchic as these are squares which do not have threefold symmetry. 25 takes advantage of four-fold symmetry, as not only is 25 a square number but it is also a centered octagonal number, but reorienting the tiles at this stage would be a bit pointless. However, I only set this at 100 to get a rough estimate of how many users would actually participate in something like this.
@the_manta Hey look a tile appeared out of nowhere. I wonder who left this one. It looks like the_white_umbrella. Wait, there's no one named the_white_umbrella! Out of curiosity, what do the words across the manta say? It's the_manta undercover as the_white_umbrella!
@Soap Ah okay. Just a minor nitpick, but the 'P' is more slanted compared to the other characters.
Hmm...who's a guy we know that hasn't done this yet....
Another mod! Any mod! Get Strop's tight, ninja butt in here and have him do a tile! Get Oreo to make an Oreo tile! Or an Orion constellation for that matter...