i want to try making art for now simple sketches but i've always doubt my own ability any help or sites cause i don't find the paint on my comp useful to me at all
King's right. As I already mentioned on first page, you need to show us what you can do if you hope to get some tips from us. I'm starting to train to do manga stuff, if I'm good enough I might start my own thing, which would be great.
Just draw something on paper, take a picture of it then post it here. Then we can start giving you some advice. And Im pretty sure that their is atleast one free drawing program that exists. :P
i prepared on on the cr@ppy paint it's a bit worse than i usually do i ran out of room for the tophat but you can get the picture i was bored so i made awesome face
@AlienGirl Haha I'm going to do this now! btw if you are going to request things, you should probably post a comment on the person's profile, not their thread ...
@Locoace Sorry I did not get on last night, I did not get home til around 11:00 and I had homework and other stuff to do before going to bed... I haven't tried this yet, but when I get the chance i'll look at it, but try using this it's supposedly similar to Adobe Illustrator and other graphics programs. Try it out, as will I, because that drawing you did in paint was... (Btw i'm not saying paint is bad depending on what version you have, because i used to use paint instead of the free photoshop to make my signatures for forunms!)