ForumsGame WalkthroughsEpic Battle Fantasy 3

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38 posts

I love this game but i'm stuck on the final boss D:
Anyone got some tips for him, he seems insane to beat and this is on normal heh.

( I have all skills, lots of gold and most equips to lv 5, so if anyone has a combonation that will work without taking 5 hours please help me :P)

  • 98 Replies
38 posts

You can find the key in a chest after the battle with the Mammoth.

1,673 posts

How do you beat the ocean zone with all the pirates?

I think I killed everybody

38 posts

How do you beat the ocean zone with all the pirates?
I think I killed everybody

You have to follow the path around and kill the boss, the giant squid. The game follows this format for every area.
121 posts

I was going to post how to open the gate in the Kitten Kingdom, but someone beat me to it, lol. Now, the question, any hints on the 3-headed dragon?? I've tried killing the "healer" head first, did that, but the other 2 did me in.

38 posts

@Sand Heart, did you get the one in the house in the starting town?

@jimmie123, normal difficulty? I found that taking the healer out first and then the death one, leaving fire last. Reasons for this is that the last dragon head seems to summon allies of similar attribute. I left death on my first try which wasn't a good idea seeing as he brought instant death allies.

The 'drill' skill if you can get it is amazing on the dragons when they gets buffed up. You could also poison the dragons, but not the death one - poison heals him. Also try using weapons with Matt that are the dragons weakness, best if you can go at them one by one imo.

Does that help? I just spewed down things i used XD

90 posts

Nice thread you have going here!

Anyways, I'm not sure how you can help with this one, but I can't seem to find all the treasure chests in a single area, not even the town! (And I've gotten into the house in the Lower Right Corner)

Yeah, I'm mostly looking to get everything, especially the Stat Boosters. Mostly cause I can't beat the final boss... on easy... (Though I could probably just use that strategy in the second post and pwn him, lol)

90 posts

Better yet, is there a walkthrough that shows the locations of all the chests?

121 posts

Thanks for the help with the 3-headed dragon, finally beat him, lol. Now I'm doing what others are doing, looking to find all the chests in a particular area (so far, I've only found them all in 1 area). The town has shops that have treasure chests behind the counters, but there seems to be no way to get to them either inside the shop or outside, plus, I still haven't found the cat food. Does anyone know how many different swords, staffs, armor etc. are actually available? I've levelled everything I have up to the max. but wondered how many things are actually available. BTW, although I'm playing this on "easy", neat little game. The "humor" in it is a little corny, but what the heck, lol.

38 posts

@Destroyer713, no there isn' a guide like that sadly, i might do one when i've finished the game on epic. However, i can if you want list some of the more obscure and harder to find chests.

For the one behind the shops in the village go to the top right corner of the right shop and then go left around the back to get the first one. For the others, theres a sign between the shops go behind that and then up, then go right to get one chest and then left to get the other. Also, theres a chest in the 'tavern', if you try and walk into the right section of the building, you can't see the right section until you actually walk into it.
Does that help?

90 posts

Yes it does. Turns out I was missing the one in the tavern where you said. Wow, how did I miss that one?

Anyways, yes, if you can post the more obscure ones, I'd appreciate it!

1,673 posts

for some reason I got stuck in the water zone but now I got out of my hole

38 posts

Obscure chests:
I'm mainly doing the ones you can't see. The maps or 'areas' line up, so if you can see a chest but you are blocked by a river or something then work out what map can get you there

x y
x x x For example you can see y chest but can't get to it, so you can go down and right to find a place to get to it, makes sense?

Forest area:

- 3rd area, there is one in the bottom right corner, partially visable.
- 5th area after where the big green slime mini boss was, if you keep going north through the trees you can get to another area with chests
- 7 th area some partially visible in the trees.

Sea area:

Tents are chests, and there is a tent near the entrance.
- 3rd area, in the cave, theres a chest on the far right easily visible. If you stand infront of it and keep going right you should go to another area with a chest.
- 4 th area, beat the spiral crab, then go up to another area and follow the path.
- 5th area take the other bridges for more chests

Frozen area:

- 1st area, one below giant blue slime.
- 1st area, hug the wall of the far left, you will eventually be able to find a hidden path to another area with a chest in area 7.
- 2nd area, stand north of the female npx with horns, keep going left.
- 4th area, igloos are chests.
Taking the north west path from here takes you to rooms of chests, these also show the locations of the chests in north east path.
- 5th area, 2 chests, one space to the left of the snowman, the one on the furthest to the left.
- 6th area, path in line with the south most red shelled monster.
- 7th area, go behind the cross and keep going right.

Sand area

- Tents are chests
- I think most of the chests are connected to the puzzles, so if you crack all the door puzzles you'll be fine.
- 1st area, after getting into this new area go north to find a hidden path in the north west.

Volcano area

I'm running through this atm on epic so i'll write them down as i find them again.


I might have missed some, on my normal difficulty run through the game i got all chests so now as i replay on epic i'm not sure if i have gotten all the chests in an area without resetting my medals, which i need.
Also afaik, the areas needing medals don't count to getting all the chests in an area.

I hope this helps, if you still don't have the medal for an area then just say and i'll try find the chest ^^

65 posts

Temeraire345: of course there is a guide and its great

38 posts

^ Ah cool, didn't know about that.

65 posts

its a full walkthrough of every map.
You can find tips/hints for all places as well as a guide for weapons, skills, etc.
for all those who have defeated the game or find it too hard i can see also some cheats on the bottom of the page (before the discussion)

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