Hey there! It's been a while since my last thread. This one is about something I've never done before. I've recently been into composing little tunes in FL Studios and then posting them on YouTube. It's really fun. I would like some feedback on them, too. Here are the ones I've made so far:
Really like the Boss Battle music, although I do prefer the first. It has this grovelly, low quality to it. The Town theme doesn't seem "homely" enough, IMO...I think it reminds me more of a forest. I didn't really like the ??? theme much; it didn't have that decisiveness to the theme to make it suitable for boss music, although I think it was trying to be.
I really like the boss battle and boss battle remix the best their really good I mean really good and I kinda agree with parsat the town/ home sounds like a forest filled with ferries kinda song than a town or house song.
Haha Zega, they're brilliant. I really like the remix of the boss battle music, it seems more lively and upbeat. Although as it progresses, I feel myself prefering the original.. ??? sounds epic. I don't know why I really like it, I can't even describe what it sounds like, it's just catchy. Town/House kinda reminds me of runescape music, a bit. It sounds more outdoorsy, like Parsat said.
I especially liked the composition called 'Without Sorrow There Is No Happiness'... It's not like I'm a darkened mental person, but I like the professional sound of it! It's almost as if you do this for a living when I hear hat!
This is very good music. One thing I really enjoyed about it was how the timbre reflected the emotion of intention of the piece. When I compose music in software (which I very rarely do) I am very biased about the instruments I pick - it's bass, guitar and drums. You capture what the piece is for and then use very appropriate instruments to perform the piece.
To be very honest, I'd say it does sound professional. It's just a suggestion, but have you ever thought of forming a coalition with a flash games programmer?
To be very honest, I'd say it does sound professional. It's just a suggestion, but have you ever thought of forming a coalition with a flash games programmer?
Yes, that thought has indeed come to mind. However, I doubt anybody would want a 14 year-old amateur that isn't technical AT ALL as a working partner. I might be mistaken.