I have stuff!! Odd, random stuff, but yet stuff.
[Warning. The following stories will contain either evil, fluffy puppy love, making fun of Strop without his permission, and confusion and frustration over love or any mix thereof. I am also twisting themes, because I don't care to understand them correctly.]
#46 - Someone Who Lives To Watch The World Burn.
A twisted laughter escaped his lips as he stared at the destruction. How fascinating what a tiny little press on a button could do. Of course it had been more than that, a lot more, a lot of work, determination and - he stopped for a second to find the right word, but the only one that seemed fitting was 'insanity'. But yet it had still only been a press on a button to unleash the destruction and death that was now playing out before his eyes. Sometime in his past this would have been a horrific scene, but now, now he would even consider enjoying it.
He fell back into the chair, a sudden change of expression gliding over his face. He felt tired now, so much raw anticipation had been let go and now there was nothing left. Emptiness and an urge to sleep for a long time.
He rubbed his eyes, first at this moment acknowledging his lack of glasses. He looked around for them, but the screen picturing the fire and flames of the outside world did not light the room up enough. He gave up, and leaned back once again, staring emptily at the screen as the pictures shifted from one news station to another, foreign journalists shouting into their microphones in strange languages. A muscle twitched as the Taj Mahal stood in flames. He had always found that building quite impressive to look at. He should have sto... saved it, but of course he had forgotten during the stress of getting the last few pieces of the puzzle to fit, and waiting for the response from the world. It would have been a great gift to himself on his success, but now it was burning like everything else. At least now, the world would understand. At least now the world would be his.
#39 - A Light In The Black
"And I want it nooooow!" Strop yelled out, doing an air guitar stunt down the street. A few users yelled for him to shut up, that it was late and they had games to get up to, but the mod was entirely oblivious to these complaints, jamming loudly on this invisible instrument. Besides patrolling the streets was way boring without a little self made fun, and watch was more fun than playing music?
A noise in an alley made him stop short in the middle of 'Big Balls', twitchy movements of his ears catching the smallest sound. Whatever had made the sound seemed to have gone away, but it was still an uncomfortable silence now, without the song and music. His ears flattened for a moment, then he trotted on, trying to shake off the feel of, well, not being watched, but being... followed. Which he did find a bit odd, since usually you are being watched while followed, and not just followed, unless it was some crazy blind assassin that was going to kill him because he had forgotten the text of 'Amazing horse' earlier the evening, and no one would know before the morning, because he was too ninja to be seen in the dark, and perhaps even then they woul... He shook his head. Perhaps it hadn't been a good idea to let Sai tell him those stories before he left. She was crazy that girl, but good for Cen.
There was the sound again! He spun around, poofing forth his trusty Thor in an attempt to look more threatening than a 1.80 tall horse anthro in a black spandex usually does. Nothing was there besides the darkness and the ghostly shine of the snow. Strop sniffed the air, grunting in the process, but nothing seemed amiss. No sounds, no weird smells. The air tasted normal too. Yet he still had the feeling of being followed, even now when he wasn't even moving. He stood there for a moment more before turning around. He wasn't going to spooked like... a horse... No! He would be - He spun around again to face whatever he had felt coming closer, being suddenly blinding by a flash of light. He whinnied shrilly, flailed and fell in the snow. Of course he rolled over and got up fairly quickly, he is a ninja and all.
The laughter broke the silence and Strop went pale, then quite red under the cloth. The girl Sai stood there, almost rolling over in a fit of the lols, holding a flash light, while the inter...Cen was holding her up, chuckling to himself.
"How very mature of you..." Strop pouted. "I could have hurt you!"
"I take no responsibility."
"I do!" Sai grinned at him, hardly being able to get enough air in as she wasted laughing.
Strop was unamused. "Harhar..."
"You angry?" Sai looked at him with huge puppy eyes, while Cen was, well, tying his shoe.
"Yes! I want in on the prank next time!!"
#29 - Unrequited love
"Sai, I have... Something I need to ask you."
She looked at him with a curious expression, which made it even more difficult. How come it was always easier when practising in front of the mirror, and when it then came to actually doing it, you were always lost for words.
"What is it?"
"I..." He threw his head back in defeat, sighed loudly, and looked at her. "Nothing, nevermind."
She continued to look at him, eyebrows narrowing. "Are you sure? Because now I wanna know."
"It was nothing. Just something stupid."
"Now I really want to know!" She yelled out, throwing herself at him so they both fell. She pinned him down and looked at him in that way that.. Just got right to him. If it hadn't been for the total loss of words on the subject, he would have told her right there and then, but there was nothing. "Tell meee!!"
"Nope!" He stuck out his tongue, and laughed at her expression as she pouted.
"It's not faaair!!" She crossed her arms, staring down at him with a look like a six-year-old not getting candy, and there was nothing he could do but love her.
#48 - Something For The Girls
Something nice... Not too big, but not too small either, girls, uhm, women seem to hate that... Not too expensive either for... obvious reasons... Perhaps something else than the usual diamond on gold trend? Opal on silver? Nah, it should probably be gold, she looks better with warmer colours. A warmer colour then, gold and.. ruby? Fire opals? Nah, it's too much too, and too girly. All these pink stones, purple stones... Blue, green, yellow... How can anyone choose from this... Perhaps that is why everyone go by the standard, diamond, gold and boring...safe...boring.
Does she even wear rings?