I'm a coder and I would like to work together with someone on a defense game. I'm a student (computer sciences) so it will not be full time work for me. I expect to be able to put in about 10-15 hours a week. I'm kind of new to flash games so I am not really good at estimating, but I figure we could be all done (including testing and tweaking etc.) in about 2 months (with those 10-15 hours/week). This means I would like to have the art done in about 4 weeks as I would much rather go into the testing phase with practically completed graphics.
I have not really worked out the details yet, but I want it to have a toy theme. (Teddy bears and toy soldiers for enemies, a lego castle with a princess to defend, something along those lines...).
We will work the gameplay details out together. (What the specific tower types are, whether or not there should be upgrades and which, etc.)
I have started coding but I'm not really far yet, so I don't know exactly how much should be done, but everything relating to the art should be done by you! I have some ideas about it ofcourse but basically you're free in everything. So that includes - about 5-10 enemies (animated!) - about 5 towers (with upgraded versions) - bullets - game layour - buttons to place towers - main menu - tutorial - preloader - maps - GUI - probably some other things we'll think of on the way.
My main goal is to build up a portfolio to get a full-time job once I finish school. However, I'm pretty sure we can find a sponsor if we polish the game well enough. But I have no idea really about how much that would be . If we do make anything with it, we will split all profit 50/50.
If you're interested, send me a pm with a link to some of your work!