How do I write what cannot be expressed? How could this have been done to me? I, the one of countless words Spoken and unspoken. Written and rewritten. Hours upon on hours drive me in this This frenzy of the mind Where simple men would have me stop. Stop? How does one stop What one does not precisely control What is on the page. For it is not (As some deluded souls my believe) The mind which drive the words upon the page, But the heart and soul of the writer. And writer I am. Oh a rambler of words Of countless unmeaning meanings Which are always meaningful when They are the most meaningless of words. And words are all I know. And all I shall ever know. And should they Not be able to work for me, nor against me Should they not win me, in this bitter contest At least a little compassion in your heart Which so claims to love me. Yet, you reject me. Then I, poet, wordsmith, madman and lover Have nothing left to give. Have nothing left to say. And so, my life shall be but a tomb. A dead thing with only words. Which, If read, shall remind only the reader Of who I was. And Who I could have been.
Wolf1991, I have to agree with SirN. Why not combine all of your poems under one title and one thread? I like reading your work but if this keeps up soon, I won't remember which of your poems I like best.
I did make a generalized thread, it fell by the way side and is lost behind the pages of AMW. Allow me to go dig it up for you. It's called The Words and Workings of Wolf