Hi you know how you can make animals and objects out of punctuations do any of you have any? I have some on my profile ive made myself. Heres one of them.....
_______,---,__ / ( _ )oo) /\\__________/| | Its an elephant =D / | || || || | \\_\\ |_||_||_||_|
It's called ASCII art. The reason why yours is all jumbled up is because the font on this forum is different to where you originally created the elephant, and the font size probably would be too. AG has another problem where it can't display complicated punctuation and backslashes are duplicated.
With no post preview to do some trial and error without spamming, AG2's forums really aren't the place to try ASCII art.
you guys should reeeeeaaally check this out. Don't mind WHAT SITE it's on...look at the art, and i literally mean art, created...these people are amazing.