Once upon a time, there was a shiny, white rabbit that named himself Slick. It was the heart of winter but Slick unusually hadn't burrowed yet... Slick had a nice little house in a tall, fur tree. He also had animal friends living in his neighborhood, the forest: a gray garden spider Slick nicknamed Crawly, a black and red snake Slick nicknamed Slither-that DIDN'T eat him like some of the other mean animals. He had other friends too that had already burrowed. It was a nice, sunny day, so Slick decided he would like to take a walk... So Slick started hopping down the stick and stone path while looking at the gorgeous scenery. The last thing he saw then was a stick flying out at him, he felt a thump, and he was knocked out... When he finally woke up, he found himself lying on his back, in a dungeon. He pushed himself up-right, and he saw a spear-guard with very, very long hair. The guard's hair was shiny and gray and Slick assumed he was pretty old in age. Slick looked above him and saw a miniature window with a trapdoor next to it. A piece of paper was caught in a crack on the trapdoor. Next, he heard the guard talking to someone... Could it be the king? If so, that was good news because they were talking about a piece of paper that was missing from a very important message. So, Slick waisted no time at all. He jumped up and ran towards the door that was being guarded. The guard thought he heard something and looked back at where the rabbit was supposed to be lying down. He didn't see the rabbit there, and so he stormed into the room and started looking frantically. Then, while Slick got a chance, he ran to the door, and looked out. He was still thinking in his mind, ''if that really is the king, I lucked out''! So he looked out, but what he saw wasn't a king, it was a another guard! ''Darn'', he said in his mind. So, when the long haired guard wasn't looking, Slick ran back to where he was supposed to be and he got on his back again. The guard looked back around again, and saw Slick on his back. The guard was so furious he said out loud, ''my mind must be going crazy''! Slick was starting to feel tired, so he went to sleep.
Okay you should make it so he like finds a guard a makes the guard tell him where the king is!!!!!! but WHERE DOES RIGHTWRONG COME IN????? (you dont have to have me in I was just asking)
When Slick woke up, he was looking at the long-haired guard. Slick heard the guard in the other room call the long-haired guard. This is what he heard, ''come here, quick Johnny! The King has sent the messenger a letter to give us''! So Slick obviously by common sense knew the long-haired guard was named Johnny. So as Johnny ran of into the next room, Slick jumped as high as he possibly could. He stuck his tiny paw out and reached for the piece of paper. He caught it and came falling down. He quickly opened it up, and read, ''There is a traitor messenger coming to send you a fake message! Ready your weapons and attack him at all will!'' Slick just stood there wondering if he should warn them about the traitor messenger. Slick's conscience told him to warn them but the other part of him said don't do it. Slick said to himself, ''I'm going to do the right thing and warn the guards''. So off he ran to the next room. Just as the guards were going to open the door, the rabbit said ''I'm Slick, the rabbit you have imprisoned''! ...
Chapter 2: The Two-Faced Guard (It is still chapter 2)
''I'm Slick, the rabbit you have imprisoned!'' Said Slick, innocently. ''Why, who are YOU supposed to be?'' The guards said in a chorus. Then Slick said ''the missing paper you guys were talking about, I found it stuck in the trapdoor!'' The guards said, ''Hmmm... You found it I guess...'' Then Slick replied, ''yes, trust me! I found it! It say something important! Listen! The king has sent it: ''There is a traitor messenger coming to send you a fake message! Ready your weapons and attack him at all will!'' The guard (not Johnny) thought no possible way, but Johnny got his spear ready, as the other guard opened the door... When the door got pulled open, the guard got ambushed. And of course, there was blood. But Johnny wasted no time at all. He slashed his spear right through the traitor messenger. He died right then and there. The last words of the other guard were: ''Well, you were right, Slick. I'll never forget you.'' And he died. Johnny was amazed Slick could read. And Johnny said ''thanks for saving my life, Slick.'' He promised Slick he would take him out of that darn dungeon.
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