Welcome to Open Warfare. It is a story written by yours truly, Hypermnestra. It's about World War 2, and it involves you. I'll be writing the story, researching the battles, etc. But I thought it would be fun if I used original characters. That's where you come in. You make your own characters, then I'll put them into the story as a main character! Just fill out the sheet below. However, be warned that it will be judged.
Name: Age: Country: Position: Soldier/Prisoner/Civilian Physical Description: Personality: Biography: Skills: Bad At: Items: What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Other:
Name: Peter Bolotnik Age:15 Country: Russia Position: Soldier Physical Description: blond hair, blue eyes, good build, quite thin Personality: Quiet, thoughtful Biography:Raised in the rough streets of Petrograd( now stalingrad), Peter got by through stealing and robbing. His mother and father died at a young age, and he tends to consciously ignore that and try not to talk about it. The details are still unknown, but he sometimes has nightmares/ flashbacks about their death. Later he was arrested for breaking into a house and sent into the Red Army. Skills: Running, pistols Bad At: socializing Items: Mosin-Nagant, knife, rations, What Would You Like Me To Do With Your Character: Fight Fight Fight! with flashbacks at crucial moments that threaten life >.> Other: ???