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I wrote this at 11, and I thought I would share it.
hapter 1: The Real World
It was a stormy night, the day Fellen Key was in the forest. Fellen was 18-years old, a Dragon Scout. There was only 7
scouts this high, the highest of all ranks. Fellen was a perfect scout. You could get each badge, but you could also excel
it five times. He had every badge to the fifth power. Except for one, his Dragon Survival Badge. He had only excelled it tothe second power. And that's why he is in the forest. To practice his survival. This was the forest of Kaggas. These animals were very small. About the size of a 2-year old. They were fierce and orange. They had dark stripes on them. And Kaggas had sharp teeth that could easily bite off Fellen's arm.
Fellen was sleeping through the storm fine, until midnight. A giant Kagga, about the size of him, attacked. Fellen heard him coming, and could have died if he didnt. He had rolled to the side and got scratched on his eye. Then he kicked the kagga away, but that just furied it. So the Kagga charged. Fellen couldn't see anything, the cat had blinded him. He got pounced on, and he scratched the Kagga's head with a hunting knife. The Kagga was blinded, but only for a few seconds. With gave Fellen enough time to blindlessly look for his spear. He grabbed it and thread it aimlessly. Luckily it stabbed the Kaggas leg. It didnt kill it, but it ran away. Fellen then realized something. In Dragon Scouts, nothing dangerous every happened. And they had supplies and everything. Not this time, this was real, Dragon Scouts was just a myth. He was wearing his Scout shirt for luck, but he ripped it off. He was quitting Dragon Scouts.
Chapter 2: The Elf
"Drink this," said a creature.
Fellen didn't know what said that, but he drank it anyway. All he could make out was a green blur.
"Who are you?"
The creature was a green elf. Something Fellen had never heard of. Elves were good with potions, and that's what he gave Fellen. Fellen could see now, but only out of one eye. The Elf said the potion would take out all damage that interfered with his good eye. So now he wasn't blind, except for one eye. This eye now was shaped as a lightning bolt.
"I believe this belongs to you," said the elf.
It was Fellen's spear. He was wondering how it wasn't broken and how he got it. The elf told him he completely missed the Kagga, but he ran because the elf hit him with his hat. Fellen believed him, because he was blinded. He only knew he was hit because it had yelped.
"Thank you, can you be like, my sidekick?" said Fellen
The elf couldn't, he lived on his own. If Fellen needed help he would have to find a way himself. But in case he needed help he gave a stone to Fellen. It was an elf caller. If he knocked on it, it would make a sound that only the nearest elf would hear, and he would come and help him. But he could only use it 10 times, or the shell would break. This Elf helped everyone in the forest, because he was a green elf. Yellow elves live in the desserts, blue in the water, and red live in the city and on islands. Elves are helpful creatures, always fighting for good. That was the path Fellen will take.
Chapter 3: Potions
Fellen slept in the forest again, this time nothing scary happened. He woke up and started to hunt, but he couldn't find anything. He went to the water to find some Mikas, these are creatures with no arms, just a ball of fur. They roll in the water and you can eat them. Of course, after shaving them and cooking them. He took his spear and watched, waiting for a Mika to jump out. It had been 25 minutes, and he was sweating. It was about 90 degrees outside. He went back in the forest for other foods, that might grow on trees. He found some berrycubes. These were sweet cubes that grew on plants. There were also triberries on the trees, which were a sour taste. He climbed up one tree and found a whole bunch. THe sour taste and sweet taste were very good together, so he started eating them at the same time. Then he went back to the water.Ri
It had been 10 minutes since those berries and he started to get a stomach ache. He sat down but it was just getting worse. So he went in the water to find a blue elf. He knocked on the shell, but nothing happened. He knocked it 5 times, and he still didnt come. He kept knocking it but eventually it shattered. He was worried, he used it all up for food. He needed it for more important things. Oh well, he would have to live without it. Fellen sat there and waited. For a fish to come. He saw splashes in the water, and he threw a spear at them. It disappeared into the water, and then something shot up. And it had a spear. It was a blue elf.
Finally Fellen thought. He asked why it took so long, and the elf said it usually takes 10 minutes. He told him his stomach hurt, worse than it ever has. And it didn't feel normal. He gave him a potion, and Fellen picked it up and started to drink it. Then he transformed, he started growing, he was now 20 feet tall. And he could fly, and breath fire. He was turning evil, and he didn't even know. Because the elf was a fake. Working for the Evil Lord Rince. WHo also drank this potion, but he had laser eyes instead of firebreath. And he was a winker, not a human. A winker is a baby-sized creature that is very strong and hairy. They walk like humans. With them to super-creatures they could rule all of Feriban Island.
Chapter 4: Super Monkey
Bobo was being chased through the forest, by some Gatches. Gatches are the size of humans, they are very wide creatures and have huge mouths. They are made or scales and they can fly and run on water, but not on land. They can swallow almost anything whole, and the more they eat, the more dangerous they are. Because they get bigger and bigger. Bobo was swinging through the trees, camoflauging with them. While the 4 baby gatches were flying after him. Bobo knew he would get help, for he is a quite famous creature. He is friends with almost everyone. He is like a Winker, but not as strong, and he has 4 arms. And he is about 3 feet tall, bigger than the normal winker. He kept dodging and swinging, but then suddenly he stopped. The gatches didn't notice, luckily. So Bobo had time to find some elves. Bobo could see miles away, and he found a big group of elfs. They were all green, all 7 of them. He made an abnormal sound and the elves came rushing to him. By then the gatches had noticed BObo stopped, and they charged at him. Bobo kicked one, and threw the other. But one gatch smashed him against a tree. Then the other gatch got him in his mouth. But Bobo knew he could escape. He needed to stall the gatch from swallowing him, so the elves had time to come. So Bobo kicked and punched, and then the fish screeched in pain and spit him out. The elves finally made it. But only hit one of the gatches. So Bobo kicked the other one, grabbed him and slammed him against the tree.
Bobo got back home, into his cage. His owner Steve wasn't supposed to find out that Bobo was a hero. Or at least someone fighting for good. When he was with him, Bobo was an ordinary monkey. He could shape shift so that he just had 2 arms instead of 4, making him look like the ordinary animal the monkey. But Steve knew Bobo was a super-monkey. That was his name for him. A while back he had been in the forest and he had seen a 4-armed monkey. He saw it kick some Kaggas tail, and then he followed it. Bobo had no idea he was being followed, so he went back to his home. That's how Steve figured out his pet was a super-monkey. He didn't let his brother Fellen know - He didn't let Fellen know any secrets, for Fellen had more experience with fighting than Steve. Fellen was also 18, and Steve was 3 years younger at 15 - But what Steve didn't know, was that Fellen turned evil.
Chapter 5: The Secret Train
Fellen was now walking with the fake elf. Who he found out was actually a winker. He was in charge of him, even though he had know idea what he should do. They walked through the forest, and saw some kaggas. The Kaggas started to attack, but the winker whispered something to make them stop. They figured out Fellen was an evil prince. They finally got out of the forest, and into the water. They called for some Mikas, which happen to be evil wish. Even though they are defenseless and harmless. They are the messengers and transportation of King Rince.
Bobo had been following them the whole time. He saw the Kaggas and hid when it happened. He now knew that Fellen was evil. He wanted to go back and tell Steve, but that would reveal his identity. Which actually would not matter, since Steve already knew. Fellen, the Winker, and the Mikas, were now sailing off. With Fellen standing on the Mikas, with his head out of the water, and the winker on Fellen's shoulders. Since they were already in the water, Bobo got it. But we swam to the deep abyss, where there are almost no other creatures. He swam at a fairly low pace, for he didn't want to pass Fellen's group. He started to slow down, and get higher up in the water. He saw the King's island, and he saw Fellen's group get out. He just stayed under the water, watching.
Steve had been following Bobo again, and he was going to tell him he knew. Although Bobo got in the water, Steve could see him. It was the only power he had. So he got into the water following him. When he got close, he looked under the water, to see where he was. He found Bobo, and he tugged on his arm. They both came up out of the water, and Steve started talking. He told Bobo he knew he was a super-monkey, and Bobo told him his mission. But they decided to start it some other time, to find out what Rince and Fellen were doing.
Chapter 6: The Test
Fellen knew he was going to rule the world. He felt a lot of respect between his winker friend. As they approached the castle, they say lots of giant Winker guards. They showed lots of respect to Fellen too. The Winker he was with had sent out the signal to everyone. They got to the castle, and some winkers offered Fellen some food. Fellen didn't really want food, he wanted to meet Rince. But he accepted it anyway. He wanted to be the best leader possible. He thought the food was very very good. And he told them it was marvelous. He asked to meet the King now, but they sort of paniced. Fellen demanded to meet the king, and pulled out his spear. The winkers took it, and said they would fix it. Since the spear was very vulnerable, and had a dull tip. Fellen walked to a big red door, which must be the kings. He pushed it open. But he was supposed to pull it, so it ended up falling over. The King immediately stood up. Demanding who did that. Fellen confessed, calling himself the Prince of Feriban.
"Ahh, my prince," King Rince said.
"Yes." said Fellen.
"My young winkers have told me much about you. I am going to test your strength. Look that way," The King said pointing.
Fellen was worried about what was about to happen. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the king. A humongous door opened. Revealing a giant log.
"5, 4, 3, 2," something counted.
It got to zero, and the log plunged toward Fellen. Fellen easily stopped it, but it wasn't over yet. A huge boulder came out next. It counted down, and shot even faster this time. Fellen stopped it again. Fellen was felling some pain. He should of switched shoulders to block with. And there still was one more.
"Take this," King Rince threw him a shield.
A huge Steel log came out, but it had spikes on it. He got the shield so the spikes wouldn't kill him. Fellen got ready, waiting for it to reach zero. The steel log flew out rapidly, at 60mph. It was so fast it stayed in the air the whole time. He stood firm, which he shield out, close to his body for a better block. THe log hit it, and slowed down. But Fellen did the opposite. He flew back in the air. He let go of his shield, which plumetted to the ground. Then he landed on his back, falling right on it. He felt tremendous pain, but there was something worse. The log was still rolling. He lifted his back up, just enough to pick-up his shield. It was dented everywhere. Fellen doubted it would still work. He turned over, so his head was facing the log. He held out the shield, but the log had to much speed. Fellen was being pushed back, eventually he would get crushed. He stood up, which he thought was the only way to hold it back. He braced himself, as the log kept rolling. The log was now screeching. He used all of his force, and the log stopped. He still knew he had to push it back, since it was the last one. He used all of his muscle, and threw it into the other log. They exploded. And then he could hear nothing, but faint clapping. It was from the King.
"I knew you could do it, but I thought I would have to push it to the log for you. Great Job"
Then the winkers came back, with his knew spear. It was now aluminum handle, and a very sharp stone point. It had fire magical powers. So It would burn all enemies. Then the took his new shield to repair, and Fellen got some rest.
Maybe I shall someday finish it with my awesome new writing skills.
Oh and also a short passage I made for writing class.
The basketball landed square on my noggan. My brain was a top, spinning faster and faster. My limbs told themselves to collapse. The clock ticked 10 times before any blood rushed back to my head.
- 2 Replies
Some pieces are too vague, like when the kagga scratched his eye you should be more decriptive, good writers can take 2 seconds in a story and turn it into a whole page of writing. The chapters are also too short, any book I read I would excpect the chapter to be 10-15 pages and maybe have 12-24 chapters.
Also when writing a long story dont draft like this maybe a basic plan for the first and last chapter. Then make up some creatures, places, objects and people. Use them to make the rest of the book.
Also dont leave the readers in the dark, in the first chapter you should explain what a dragon scout is.
Haha this is cute and pretty good for when you where 11. You should defenitely fix it up with your "awesome new writing skills" now that you're older lol. I'd love to see the new version.
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