I need and artist to help me with the visuals of a website which I have planned. It is asite on car photoshopping with 5 main sections. I would need an image for the home page(which i will talk of later). I also need symbols for the five sections.
I have 'designed' the art, and I will tell in detail if somebodynis interested
Well before i get started i need some clarification on a few things:
1)Are you wanting me to create the actual parts of the site, or only the base images to be used on the site. IE: only the .jpg files used as icons, and therefore are not click-able until made into a direct link button...or basically, taking this site as an example, if you click on my armatar you will be directed to my page, thus making that a button using the <a href="x"><img src="x.jpg"></a> code ...
2)The 5 symbols, i assume you want them to be relevant to the page they relate to, so i will need to know what each section deals with so i can make them relevant.
3)Can you explain the mini-city a little better?
4)going to back to what i said before, are you wanting me to come up with the design on the button or the button itself?
5)Is there a specific header/footer image you want it to be/look like? and sorry for repeating myself like this, or are you wanting that image to be in code form...
6)What do you mean by "i have designed the art"?
7)I apologize for all the questions but to be blunt about all of this, what's in it for me if after I completed it and given what you want to you? Nothing is fine, but i mean i would prefer something, anything for my work. I mean i'll do it all free unless otherwise haha!
hhmmm mmk..mmmk...i think i can see it...I'll post how i think you want it, no later than tomorrow...we will go from there...but before i go off to draw it, are u wanting this city to be 3-D/Realistic? and is it supposed to be overhead view? like you have it?