okayy..anyone wanna say i stole this..go ahead..but i didnt..i wrote this last week on a piece of paper while i was trying to write another song...yess..it is for God..no..i didnt steal this from the Bible..yes..i have read the Bible..but..this isnt from it..hope you like it..if you do not believe in this..please dont post negative comments about it..this is what i believe in and i respect you for believeing what you do..thank youu
Worship is my response to what i value most What i value most is God, i was made by him and for him He is amazing beyond comprehension I exist for the purpose of reflecting back to God his matchelss glory i will exalt him with my mouth and my life for he is my hope, my joy, my strength, and my salvation
Um...This lacks flow. I mean this would have been better if the lines were shorter and if it didn't read so straight. Poetry doesn't need to be told in such a direct way, when it is it feels wooden and flows poorly. Try again.
No offense but it kind of lacks flow(it just seems like you randomly came up with it) and doesn't rhyme to boot(not that poetry has to rhyme). To be honest, more than anything this is just religious prose without reason xP. To improve it, maybe you should try just making all the lines have the same number of syllables. That would be a good start.
anyone wanna say i stole this..go ahead..but i didnt..i wrote this last week on a piece of paper while i was trying to write another song...
I write off songs all of the time, this does not mean I worte them, I wrote them off the original lyrics. I would recommend that you write your lyrics to be your own, not something people can search and find on the internet/in the bible.
I doubt you can account of the the results of seracheds on this.
If you disagree with my judging, then my profile is open and stuff. But please do not take stuff from the net to claim as your own, even oif that is what you believe in.
//All spelling erros has been noticed, but not aced upon. Sorry, but the keey s are flowating about.