*facepalm* Again, I think stickies are incredibly useful. Both for codes how to link properly to - sites, images or whatever, and how to post an image. That's what they are there for, and it often makes sure you don't post five time in a row, because you can't get stuff to work properly.
Anyway, yeah, as you mentioned yourself, small art is small, which is sad.m
ok you pick your race (not giveing that info) and costumize your ants Ex: color, apparel, colony name. Then you pick where you start (background). Each has different enamies and food to find as well as resources (I am probably going to make a lot of maps). Then you build fight defend and manage things in happyness, politics, religion, and money/resources. Basicly its a turn based strategy but i might incorporate RTS in an above view style. (the rest is top secret) And i forgot to mention you equip weapons ad armor to ants thus createing new army classes Ex: Spear = Spearant