So I am going to write a story called "The Fight For Victory". A Halo based story for Halo fans out there. So Post on here if you want to be Apart of it.
If only there were girl characters in Halo... (playable)If there were I would love to be in your story, I'll still read your stories though.
There are Alien lol all you have to do is click sex then Female. Can i join i know everything about Halo.
i would like to be part of it
Darn, I really have not been paying attention to Halo... in that case I would love to be a "Alien Girl"
lolnuff said
Alien you can be an Elite girl but they are rare fighters and only briefly talked about in harvest
I want to base this around like online play except not from the Player's point of view ... It's gonna be on the Characters View.So just post whether you wanna be a Spartan or an Elite.
Ill be a spartan.
To be a Rebel, i'll be an Elite.
Ohhh I wanna be the captain guy.
Whats a captain guy?
spartan captain on halo reach.
Then you just say spartan he gives us the story and thier names are KAT and Charter. (theres 2)
Arggh ... Can't be bothered to make it. School is coming up ... Holidays are ending. Have to postpone it for now. I will make the story next holidays.
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