The story of me. This is a biography so far. Well number 1, I hope I dont die soon. Lol. Bad thoughts. Well, Im a crazy 12 year old with a crazy behavoir. I also get jammed with homework. Tipicle teachers. Im learning about astronomy and geology. I just went on a overnight fieldtrip. I mean cmon, we cant evan listen to are iPods at night! And there shirts cost like 15$ and the sweatshirts cost 50$. I did not want to buy a sweatshirts. I like Eminem. Lol.
Well, I'm not gonna mention the grammar. It's pretty random. In addition, you're telling stuff about yourself to the world at large we really aren't interesting in knowing. I also don't think that's such a good idea; are you sure you want the whole universe to know these things about you?
First of all RightwRong is a boy
Captain Obvious has arrived to save the day by correcting us all and being as overbearing as possible.
second Right you didnt mention your brother Brian266
It's his choice to filter what he says.
or i guess his real name is brian.
Hail, Captain Obvious! He has corrected us all by stating the overtly obvious! Whatever would we do without him?
Captain Obvious has arrived to save the day by correcting us all and being as overbearing as possible
Exccccccuuuuuuuusssssssseeeeeee me.Look im not good at telling when people are joking and when there not.
Hail, Captain Obvious! He has corrected us all by stating the overtly obvious! Whatever would we do without him
And another thing sometimes people make their username something thats a name but its not really their name soooooo EXXXXXCCCCUUUUUUSSSSSEEEE ME.I really think that if youre going to be mean then thres no point in sayinganything at all.
You sound upset. Are you hungry? Tired? Gassy? It's gas, isn't it?
Hahahaha very funny.Im not upset please i dont care go spam my page if you feel like it.I can argue all day whether you want to have a smart mouth or what.Ive been more insulted(mostly at my stories)but I dont really care so ill argue all ya want.
And another thing sometimes people make their username something thats a name but its not really their name soooooo EXXXXXCCCCUUUUUUSSSSSEEEE ME.I really think that if youre going to be mean then thres no point in sayinganything at all.
I was being sarcastic and cynical. I didn't mean to offend, that's just my normal sense of humor.
Exccccccuuuuuuuusssssssseeeeeee me.Look im not good at telling when people are joking and when there not.
You go, girl! You got it!
Disclaimer: The above sarcastic, cynical, and otherwise comments are not meant to offend. That's just my twisted sense of humor. I thought it was funny as hell. Especially when someone takes offense. But I don't want anyone to get their feelwings huwt.