I made a smiley. This is kinda random, but I think that el Queso is awesome and deserves some stardom. If you like him comment on my profile and put him on yours.
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Uh-oh, he looks bad with the AG font, and I'm not sure if the character's will turn up, instead of those weird question mark diamond thingies. He used to be sooo much cooler.
Hola, mi nombre Hyper. Pense que el arte ASCII no se le permitio en la AG, pero lo que sea. Me gusta el queso, pero no me gusta mucho El sonriente Queso. =( Para deshacerse de los simbolos, escribalo en el bloc de notas, como Cenere dijo. Como obtener el nombre de 'El Queso?' Ah, you're not Spanish? Good. But yeah...I thought three things. 1) ASCII isn't allowed on AG? 2) Cenere's right, to get rid of symbols type it on notepad. 3) I like cheese. I don't particularly like "The Cheese" in smiley form though. And how did you get the name?
Can't register on photobucket, almost like how I couldn't register for AG a while ago. I'm old enough, and... I dunno why, it doesn't say. But I have a pic... Any other site I could use? Thanks for the advice.
But I have a pic... Any other site I could use? Thanks for the advice.
Imageshack, tinypic... Google? Also, yeah, ASCII art has to ultimately original, there needs to be more in the post than just that, and, well, more than just a smiley-thing?