This is my first attempt at writing a story on AG, so it will most likely be awful. I will write a quick summary of the story and then you can post your character ideas. I'll chose the best ones to be in the first part of the actual story!
Summary: The sun slowly begins to rise,showing that the day has begun. Five people wake from a cold darkness, with no memory of the day before. They are all in a strange, unfamiliar building, with the only light source being a small window. Luckily, one of the people has a flashlight, and they are able to escape from the building. Once outside, they make a horrible discovery. The streets are littered with debris and buildings have collapsed. There are no signs of life except for themselves. It is almost as though the world has ended. They begin to think to themselves,"What if we are the last people on earth?"
I just know that this is going to start the end of the world genre of story making... The theme is new and interesting, I actually think this will be good. Could I be one of the five people? My characters name is Lien Waiver.
Age: 19 Biography: Lien Waiver is a hard working business woman working on the 17th floor of the Praston Town Business association. She was raised not to let people step on you and to stand up for yourself. She has had a troubling past that has added many things to her personality but her main attribute is her people skills.
Description: Lien Waiver is a young lady with average length dirt blonde hair, she has dark green eyes, is wearing a light green tank top and is wearing a blue bra, and some worn out purple denim jeans. There is also her profession look were she wears a high waist skirt (just google high waist skirt if you dont know how it looks) and a proffesional top. And there is also her fancy look where she wears a red satin dress. She survived in all the zombie movies that she was in and is an extremely agile and versatile person.