As far as far can be the mist stretched, So much so that I couldn't see the buildings. Skyscrapers, offices, flag-capped palaces, Towering monuments, gold painted parliament.
On the every hour the beast does chime, Takes an hour for the eye full circle, Years worth of cherished memories at Tower Bridge, An eternity they queue for the open-top bus.
Why not take a train ride down below? Where the shifty ones, the businessmen, the working class go, Where the buskers and the con-men and the pick pockets live, And the city bats and sewer rats and alley cats thrive.
Here's a town with empty promises and no remorse, A place drowned in hopefuls, housed by pretentious, Living pretty in the city, keeping dreams well hidden, Winter winds disturb the grey and buried faith.
London town is the place I speak, expecting no commendation, For the images I've conjured invoke loathing and repulsion. Brought up in thriving London town, an ethical disgrace, Yet we still manage to leave with a smile upon our face.
I love London really! Critique and suggestions are welcome. I'll be pleased if you just let me know you read it
Great work Jess. It really gets the reader inmersed in the city's atmosphere. I have never been to London but it is one of the cities that I want to get to know.
Off topic: Can you please update the 50 Themes challenge section of your profile?
Great work Jess. It really gets the reader inmersed in the city's atmosphere.
Thankyou! I kinda put a downer on London towards the end, but it really is a wonderful place. It seems grimy and industrial but it still holds a lot of sparkle.
It has a good flow and rhythym, which makes London feel like a very jolly place. It also describes the city very well and makes me want to go there. O.O
Right now I'm in an English class discussing the many elements of poetry. It's much harder for me than other people, seeing as how I'm a pragmatic person