hey AMW,i am a writter and need a prompt to practice from so give me any random noun that i can use for practice. Thanks everyone.
i don't do zombie stories
fantasyi love fantasy !!!
fantasy is not a noun
Fantasy is as much a noun as panopticon.
Dragons Fantasy rules, it's plain awesome !!!
1. what is panopticon i looked it up and it said it was buyilding style2.ok then no ideas give me places and things
charred babies crammed inside a barbecue pit, with motor oil and dried flesh on top.
What kind of writing style do you do? From that we can get an idea of what places and things would fit your writing style.
2.ok then no ideas give me places and things
sir noobalot WTFand the noun i choose will be bob sagetdo specific nouns count?
Ill go with photograph thanks hypermnestra
a photograph speaks a thousand words?i think from the quality of your vague opening post, this could grow to be a great mystery story. -_-
Write a story about me. :P
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