This is the (DIPC) Daily-Ish Poetry Contest and it concests of poetry with different topics. There will be a schendule in which you will need to have a certain kind of poetry on a certain day. Theres also many themes to choose from too! The rules are you can only choose 1 a day and by 12:00 you can choose another one. Also you need to read the scendule before posting. A example of what to put as a entry, you need to have the day, theme, poetry type and the date. Please no double posts and please dont copy others work. When the round is over you must attomaticlly quit and stop working. If you add a post when the round is over, it will be not counted and you will be banned for the next round. There are also special theme on like Christmas, New Year,etc. Also if you make your thing first, you are more likely to win. Thats all I think I need to tell you. Oh wait the themes! Ok the is regular themes and at the bottem, special themes. We will start as 25 themes. Here they are: 1. School 2. Time 3. Pressure 4. People 5. Money 6. Love 7. Fun 8. Food 9. War 10. Music 11. Books 12. Peace 13. Rocks 14. Poetry 15. Trees 16. Writings 17. Drama 18. Countrys 19. Ideas 20. Scisors 21. Life 22. Greek 23. Paper 24. Sky 25. Rome
Special Themes: 1. Hell 2. Toys
Scendules are the types of poetrys:
Mondays: Limerick Tuesdays: Rhyme Wednesdays: Rap Thursdays: Haiku Fridays: Your Choice! Saturdays: Short Sentence Sundays: Old English
This is too restrictive, besides, changing theme and style everyday may be a little too optimistic: It's the internet, you won't get people to participate with such a complicated system.
Oh, and, there's already a lot of themed contests, of open poetry contests and even one for Haikus so this is a little futile.