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217 posts

I will soon post the begining of a story. You, as the reader, have a choice to continue the story if you deem it necessary. If it is left alone, it will be ended accordingly. The next story begining will be posted the night I am posting this. Have fun!

  • 21 Replies
217 posts

"The Beast"

There is a man running through the woods. He can not keep it up for much longer, surely. Glancing back, he wishes he never had. Suddenly, a tree root that seems to have sprang from dust trips him, and as he is falling, intense feelings of horror and helplessness fall over him like a black cape. "I have more time, you can not take me!", it is all that escapes his lips before he is swept into oblivion.

217 posts

Why has no one given a continuation?

26,390 posts

Why has no one given a continuation?

Maybe because we don't feel like it? Maybe we liked the ending it already had?

There is a man running through the woods. He can not keep it up for much longer, surely. Glancing back, he wishes he never had. Suddenly, a tree root that seems to have sprang from dust trips him, and as he is falling, intense feelings of horror and helplessness fall over him like a black cape. "I have more time, you can not take me!", it is all that escapes his lips before he is swept into oblivion.

He awakes suddenly. At first he is relieved. Perhaps the beast had been no more than a dream. But that illusion is quickly dispelled. His head is throbbing with pain. He raises a hand slowly, and feels a warm liquid dripping from his head. Blood? He opens his eyes and sees nothing but pitch darkness. Is he blind, or is he in darkness? It doesn't matter. He cannot see. He groans, his parched throat cracking from the pain. He can feel tongues of flame licking eagerly at his flesh, and his hands form into claws. He falls to the ground, wracked with pain.
217 posts

Everlasting pain. It is all to expect from the Hell he has been in for an endless eternity, or so it seems. Suddenly he is in a white room, siting in a chair, alone. There are varius wires and tubes sticking from his arms, legs, chest, and head. There appears to be a large one-way reflective window covering one wall, he tries to say, "What the...?", but, instead it comes out as a kind of hiss, for there were tubes in his throat. Thinking, "Where am I?", he tries getting up from the chair. Bad descision. He is immediately stricken with a pain not comparable to anything he has experienced in his entire life. Falling from the pain, he is plunged into his dark Hell once again.

9,504 posts

There is a man running through the woods. He can not keep it up for much longer, surely. Glancing back, he wishes he never had. Suddenly, a tree root that seems to have sprang from dust trips him, and as he is falling, intense feelings of horror and helplessness fall over him like a black cape. "I have more time, you can not take me!", it is all that escapes his lips before he is swept into oblivion.

He awakes suddenly. At first he is relieved. Perhaps the beast had been no more than a dream. But that illusion is quickly dispelled. His head is throbbing with pain. He raises a hand slowly, and feels a warm liquid dripping from his head. Blood? He opens his eyes and sees nothing but pitch darkness. Is he blind, or is he in darkness? It doesn't matter. He cannot see. He groans, his parched throat cracking from the pain. He can feel tongues of flame licking eagerly at his flesh, and his hands form into claws. He falls to the ground, wracked with pain.

Everlasting pain. It is all to expect from the Hell he has been in for an endless eternity, or so it seems. Suddenly he is in a white room, siting in a chair, alone. There are varius wires and tubes sticking from his arms, legs, chest, and head. There appears to be a large one-way reflective window covering one wall, he tries to say, "What the...?", but, instead it comes out as a kind of hiss, for there were tubes in his throat. Thinking, "Where am I?", he tries getting up from the chair. Bad descision. He is immediately stricken with a pain not comparable to anything he has experienced in his entire life. Falling from the pain, he is plunged into his dark Hell once again.

The deeper he fell, the softer the pain sung. He woke up in the same spot he had been, or as he found out later, has always been--the woods. He had no idea how long he had been there, though by the way an array of grass, dirt, bugs, and fungi had been growing on his upper half, plus the immense crater he left on the raw ground, he imagined years. "Yes," he thought. It WAS years. 7, in fact. The town he visited after exiting the woods was very much different than he could barely remember. The very first building he entered seemed to be a tavern, as there were many people conversing in tables drinking fine mugs of beer, speaking of gossip, laughter, and, more to his ear, warnings. "Don't let the Mudman get you," he heard one man at the left-side corner of the table with his index finger pointed at the man across from him. "When he rises, he will take his first victim by the throat, drag him to Everleaf forest, and invoke his worst fears for the entire day--that's how he feeds! When spotted, you have to kill him as quickly and harshly as you can. He is reincarnated, but he spawns on the other half of the world where he was killed."

The gossiper paused and stared at the man, who realized he was still covered in mud, bugs, and various grass life without any effort of wiping any off his body, except for his face. The two men's eyes shot open. The gossiper yelled "The mudman! Kill him before he strikes!"

5,860 posts

Eventually this will get really long and will take for every to read.

9,504 posts
Jester about each new reply just needs to post one part to the story without adding the history. At the end, we can archive it or something

5,061 posts

The panicked crowd surged at him, panicked screams filled the small tavern. The man scrambled back towards the door, waving his arms as if to ward off imaginary blows. A group of men have formed a rough semicircle in front of the terrified man, even with the strength of numbers they're hesitant to approach the man.

1,828 posts

There is a man running through the woods. He can not keep it up for much longer, surely. Glancing back, he wishes he never had. Suddenly, a tree root that seems to have sprang from dust trips him, and as he is falling, intense feelings of horror and helplessness fall over him like a black cape. "I have more time, you can not take me!", it is all that escapes his lips before he is swept into oblivion.

He awakes suddenly. At first he is relieved. Perhaps the beast had been no more than a dream. But that illusion is quickly dispelled. His head is throbbing with pain. He raises a hand slowly, and feels a warm liquid dripping from his head. Blood? He opens his eyes and sees nothing but pitch darkness. Is he blind, or is he in darkness? It doesn't matter. He cannot see. He groans, his parched throat cracking from the pain. He can feel tongues of flame licking eagerly at his flesh, and his hands form into claws. He falls to the ground, wracked with pain.

Everlasting pain. It is all to expect from the Hell he has been in for an endless eternity, or so it seems. Suddenly he is in a white room, siting in a chair, alone. There are varius wires and tubes sticking from his arms, legs, chest, and head. There appears to be a large one-way reflective window covering one wall, he tries to say, "What the...?", but, instead it comes out as a kind of hiss, for there were tubes in his throat. Thinking, "Where am I?", he tries getting up from the chair. Bad descision. He is immediately stricken with a pain not comparable to anything he has experienced in his entire life. Falling from the pain, he is plunged into his dark Hell once again.

The deeper he fell, the softer the pain sung. He woke up in the same spot he had been, or as he found out later, has always been--the woods. He had no idea how long he had been there, though by the way an array of grass, dirt, bugs, and fungi had been growing on his upper half, plus the immense crater he left on the raw ground, he imagined years. "Yes," he thought. It WAS years. 7, in fact. The town he visited after exiting the woods was very much different than he could barely remember. The very first building he entered seemed to be a tavern, as there were many people conversing in tables drinking fine mugs of beer, speaking of gossip, laughter, and, more to his ear, warnings. "Don't let the Mudman get you," he heard one man at the left-side corner of the table with his index finger pointed at the man across from him. "When he rises, he will take his first victim by the throat, drag him to Everleaf forest, and invoke his worst fears for the entire day--that's how he feeds! When spotted, you have to kill him as quickly and harshly as you can. He is reincarnated, but he spawns on the other half of the world where he was killed."

The gossiper paused and stared at the man, who realized he was still covered in mud, bugs, and various grass life without any effort of wiping any off his body, except for his face. The two men's eyes shot open. The gossiper yelled "The mudman! Kill him before he strikes!"

The panicked crowd surged at him, panicked screams filled the small tavern. The man scrambled back towards the door, waving his arms as if to ward off imaginary blows. A group of men have formed a rough semicircle in front of the terrified man, even with the strength of numbers they're hesitant to approach the man.

Then the man trips and falls into a barrel of pickled apples. The local cooper seals the barrel and kicks it down hill. As the barrel continued to roll off into the distance the crowd began to disperse. Nearly ten minutes later the barrel crashes upon a stone pillar, breaking and releasing the now mudless man who eyes stung from the with vinegar and head spun from the roll down hill.

A strange old man emerges from behind the stone pillar, and smacks the man with his walking cane yelling "You durn fool, how can you damage such a remarkable piece of history."
295 posts

he felt, slowly, the mud comming back.
comming out of his skin.
he turnd to the old man, and hit him in the brow.
the man picked up the old man and slowly, dragged him into the forest.

331 posts

There is a man running through the woods. He can not keep it up for much longer, surely. Glancing back, he wishes he never had. Suddenly, a tree root that seems to have sprang from dust trips him, and as he is falling, intense feelings of horror and helplessness fall over him like a black cape. "I have more time, you can not take me!", it is all that escapes his lips before he is swept into oblivion.

Root - Sorry i'm a gentleman !
217 posts

Guy's DON'T quote every story piece every time you add something. it'll end up being way to long if you do that!

217 posts

Things have gotten pretty hushed havn't they... No matter, things will soon be as they once were.....

217 posts

he felt, slowly, the mud comming back.
comming out of his skin.
he turnd to the old man, and hit him in the brow.
the man picked up the old man and slowly, dragged him into the forest.

Suddenly all became clear, he was the Mudman, and this happened often, or so he remembered. What he needed to do was get the man he was carrying back to the forest before he was spotted, that would be bad... A sudden far-away voice said "I've been waiting for this..." and the old man dove from his arms, covered in slime and grime. He was holding a different cane now, this one with a sparkling incandescent orb glowing all sorts of colors. He said, "I've been waiting for this moment for years, the time I would finally rid the world of you, for you are an abomination with which no boundaries were taken to create!" At this the Mudman said, "Quiet old man, this may be a revenge, but I've survived many before, now sleep." The old man did not sleep. Instead he raised his cane above his word and began a quick chant of strange words that even the Mudman had not heard. He shouted again, "I said sleep!" But nothing would stop his mysterious chanting. All of the sudden the old man stopped his chanting and shouted, "Now begone to the land of the Dammned!" And muttered, "For you, Annabell..." Now the Mudman was quite furious from his powers failing and screamed, "Stop your resisting, old man, let us get on with life!" But, in return the old man only smiled and said, "We will get on with life of course... and you will get on with death!" At this he cackled uncontrollably, falling to the ground in a mad fit of satisfaction. The Mudman felt a pulling from behind him, something he had not noticed before. He though to himself, it is surely just a trick, but he began to fear. He turned to see nothing, nothing but a black hole with a forest all around it. The hole seemed to pull on him, as if he was destined to enter, he suddenly had the thought that he should go insi-NO, he thought, it cannot be!For before him was a portal into the very depths of Hell itself.....
184 posts

As he looked at the purple portal, he decided to pace slowly and examine it. From behind he heard blacksmith's and villiger's whispering behind him. Then came a man that standed unwillingly beside him. "Iam the beast" he said and pushed the man into the portal.......

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