I would like you people to submit the greatest most inspiring piece of work you have ever done or heard.Be it poetry,story or lyrics. this thread is about the appreciation of language in it's many beautiful forms. I find it incredible that a mere twenty six letters can be used for inspiration, anger, sorrow, love, good and bad.
Well, if this is going to survive here, it should be entirely self made stuff you showcase here, otherwise this is going to the tavern. Also, I have heard of the horrors of English Major students and how they suffer from the language (as well as the metaphor that English is that language that will club down other languages in dark alley ways and steal all the left over words from their pockets), that I have absolutely nothing to contribute for this thread, besides the warning, which can't be said to be well written either. I would however refer to some of Strop's writing for the WoM, if not for the sake of the beauty of language, then at least for the time and trouble him and I have had with the plot, the story in question and the soon to be revealed ending.