ForumsArt, Music, and WritingLosing and finding an anchor

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Hey I wrote this narrative and I want your reveiws of it. Nice honest reveiws only please.

Losing an Anchor

"YOU LOST THE ANCHOR!" Shouted my uncle's girlfriend Tina.
Tina's friend Barb had just lost the anchor that held the rafts in the lake so they wouldn't be washed away by the strong waves. We were currently on the beach at Chalet on the Lake near St. Joes, Michigan. Although the sand scorched your feat and and you lost your balance on the rocks as you got out of the water, it was matched by the beautiful scenery and wildlife. The scenery had tons of plants and there were impressive designer houses nearby. Tina and her two kids, Leo and Brianna, had invited me and and Brianna's friend Camille to Michigan for a week. Barb, who flew in from Texas, came for a few days along with Tina's other friend, Laura, who came after Barb left. The chalet was able to fit up to 8 people, had a kitchen, 1 bathroom, 1 TV, no air conditioning down stairs and a few fans. Outside it had tennis courts, basketball courts, pools and a small lake for fishing. It was actually pretty nice there.
We had just walked up the beach and went to our usual spot where he had everything from the day before. After a few minutes we swam out and cast the anchor attached to the two rafts.after a few hours of swimming and playing on the rafts, we went back the chalet for some lunch. Barb wanted to stay to sleep on the rafts so, we let her stay. After we got back from eating the juicy burgers and hot dogs Leo had cooked on the Hitachi grill we went back to the beach. When we walked up the road to the beach again we saw that the rafts were pulled into shore. When we asked barb she said, "I was sleeping on the raft and then I woke up. When I woke up I fell off and so I tried to to pull myself up by the rope holding the anchor. When I tried to get back up the rope snapped and I lost the anchor. YOU LOST THE ANCHOR!" shouted Tina. "I didn't want to lose the rafts so I pulled them in." responded Barb, "I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new anchor." Tina then made a, Oh-you-better-face at Barb. Barb then bought a new anchor, although it was not as good as the one she lost.
A few days after Barb left, we went down to the beach right before it stormed. The water had a weird calm to it, there were little to no waves, the water was clear as glass and there were no gulls squaking and flying around. We decided this was a great time to try and find the anchor. We each grabbed a mask and started searching for it. After about ten minutes Leo shouts out that he finds it and we all swim over to him. We then help him hull it to shore. Tina then gets her phone out and takes a picture of all of us holding the anchor. Shen sent the picture to Barb asking her to look what we found.
The rest of the trip was usually one thing after another but it was still fun. I learned that you should never pull yourself up by an a rope that is connected to an anchor and has been soaking in the water for hours on end. I also learned that the best time to look for something in a lake or ocean is right before a storm. I don't believe that we'll go back next year.

  • 3 Replies
295 posts

hey, you write pretty well.

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great story

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you will be a good author

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