ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWriting To Songs (contest)

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Welcome one and all, to the "Writing To Songs" Contest! Are you ready to pit your writing skills together? It's a simple contest, and the writing itself only takes 2-10 minutes to do! Simple, easy, and fun.

Okay, so what's the point? (what will I be doing)?
Essentially, each week (despite the number of entries), there will be a song chosen from myself or a song suggested from other people. You must play this song (be it on your iPod or on youtube or anything of that manner) and write at least one paragraph, hopefully more during the song.

So why would I be doing this?
Well, my current prizes are:
-Butt-kissing from moi
-Short story by moi on any subject whatsoever (will be sent through e-mail, so it's SUPAR SPESHUL)
-Bragging rights
-Feeling of accomplishment

Cool! So what are the rules?
1) The story has to be safe for work.
2) The story MUST be at LEAST one good paragraph.
3) Break paragraphs after every few sentences, just make sure not to break while a subject in the tiny story is incomplete.
4) Break paragraphs when there is dialogue involved. I hate it when there is dialogue from 2 people in 1 paragraph
5) Writing MUST make some sense. The writing itself should be spontaneous and inspirational more than anything else, but it should still make sense.
6) You MUST use wordpad. If you type it up in Word, then you'll end up having funky symbols for " and '. In wordpad you can just copy/paste it onto this here box. Every microsoft computer comes with Wordpad. Simply go to Start button -> accesories -> Wordpad. Notepad works too. Since formatting does not transfer onto AG.

Wait! I am a slow typist, what if I can't get a paragraph?
Then feel free to hand-write it. Just make sure to transfer it onto a wordpad file.

So how are you going to judge us?
Unlike most contests, I'll tell you what I'll be PRIMARILY looking for. I'll be looking for the emotion of the piece mostly. See if it displays an emotion through imagery, dialogue, or language well.

Hey, can I make a request?
Sure. Just e-mail a link to and put the subject as: "Song Suggestion" and I'll listen.

Ok, so is there anything else I should know?
This is a WRITING competition, and you can write in any form. Be it screenplay ( [action] Person: Dialogue ) format, or if it's a poem, or if it's a song (not the song being heard at that very moment), etc. So long as it's writing, I'm okay with it.
Also, it can be ANYTHING inspired by the song. Though I do expect it to have SOME kind of relation to the song. For instance: It's a song that's depressing and sad. I don't expect you to have a story about a pink bunny flying on a unicorn in gumdrop town.

I'll try and cycle through song types every so often. One week I'll have an acoustic song, the next a rock song, the next a rap song, etc. Expect variety and a LOT of indie artists. Because Indie artists always need some advertising.

Another note: Sometimes I'll post 2 songs for people to choose from. Before you post your entry, please specify WHICH song you put. Of course, this is only in the case that I pick 2 songs for you to use.

A specific format should also be used when posting your entry. It goes as follows:
-Title- (put this in AFTER you write the entry. The entries should be spontaneous)
-Reflection- (re-read what you put and then put a small reflection on how you think you did. I kind of want this to be a learning experience for us all)

YAY! Now then, what's the song(s) for this week?
You get 2 songs for this Tuesday:
YOU'RE THE BEST, AROUND!!! from Joe Esposito,
Weathervanes and Chemicals
Remember, the piece you write doesn't have to do anything with the lyrics, it's all about the emotion you feel during the song. Transfer it onto paper (or wordpad file) and then post it here.

  • 5 Replies
600 posts

I'm still a little lost as to how exactly this competition works but here's my attempt, i may or may not submit a better one, i'll give it a days thought.

Walking around, head high up. People are fighting around me, those poor people have no idea what they are missing, living with your head held up high, not cocky but confident.
Those people then mistake me for being cocky, thinking "I am the best around". Quickly they surround me, bats and chains in hand. I say to them, "You will never be able to defeat me, you are all filled with anger and jealousy, I don't think i am better than you, i AM better than you, i am a better person on the inside so don't think that because you are stronger than me that you can beat on me, because that just shows your weakness you fool!."

I have no clue, what i just i just typed that while listening to the song(literally). I really should make it better, more story-like. ah well...

5,642 posts

I have no clue, what i just i just typed that while listening to the song(literally). I really should make it better, more story-like. ah well...

You were supposed to type spontaneously while listening to the song, you followed the procedure. I would have liked it to be better expanded upon. Maybe try to hand-write it so as to get your ideas down a bit faster?

I'm still a little lost as to how exactly this competition works but here's my attempt,

...How are you lost as to how the competition works?
16 posts

CHemicals up inside my head this time my blood beats red
DONT LEAVE ME alone with these thoughts in my head
together we can be free

your smile bubbles inside my mind and floats on....
away to distant clouds and the laughing sun
you are the only one.

clocks turn but time dies BUM BUM BUM
a choir rocks my bed and still I ask
what was said?

Its faster than light Its softer than air
the sound I no longer this wave
it crashes into me.

And together we die like the stars
only...they still live on in the past
and we burn forever.

---You and ME---

Well, honestly I couldn't understand but a few words of the Indie song, but I did like the flow of it. So i had to listen to it a couple times and then POOF walla instant poem haha. I guess I was feeling like a loveness, except this guy is a little confused and he likes this girl see, and she stops time for him. And the choir bit was straight from the singing, anyways, he wants to be free, so his heart, THIER hearts (from his prespective) is soaring like its nothing and pounds so fast and its a sound like crashing, see this girl crashes into him. Well, its so climactive its to much for living i guess, and stars are just a glow from the past, because there lightyears away...and these two, or us two. Are Now and burn with such passion, such love, that death cant stop this feeling.

Oh wow...sorry for the rambling bit (I kinda write a little randomish but hope that ties it in enough), reflection complete.

5,642 posts

Oh wow...sorry for the rambling bit (I kinda write a little randomish but hope that ties it in enough), reflection complete.

It's fine~ there are no time limits on reflections, if you would like a future reference.

I loved it. I think it had a lot of emotion in it, and you still managed to keep it nice and coherent.
16 posts

Thanks, glad you made this post gets some creative juices flowing in here... anyways I'll be back for the next song!

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